Also remember that if a protestor picks up one of these “non-lethal crowd control measures” and throws it back at the police, they get charged with Assault With a Deadly Weapon.
Also remember that if a protestor picks up one of these “non-lethal crowd control measures” and throws it back at the police, they get charged with Assault With a Deadly Weapon.
Even writing in the dirt on a new car can fuck up the clear coat.
What? You’re saying if America becomes less accepting of gay people, Russia will become more accepting? Like, having a pride parade in retaliation?
Hate to say it, but I don’t think that the downfall of the American hegemony would go well for queer folks, even a fucked up as it is. To a certain extent, global power IS a zero sum game. Especially in the context of Tulsi Gabbard, who seems to be aligned with Russian interests. If American influence wanes, that vacuum will get filled by soft power coming from Russia, China, or some combination thereof. Neither of them are huge fans of the queers.
Harambee was our anchor being. Everything’s been fraying at the edges since that day.
There was a dude in Seattle who went by Phoenix Jones. He fashioned himself a masked vigilante, roaming the streets saving people from muggings and assaults.
Turns out he was mostly just picking fights with drunk frat guys. And we’re pretty sure he was dealing drugs and using the superhero facade to beat up his competition.
Teachers, nurses, etc. Passion professions get fucked regularly.
That’s a big chunk of it, yes. KOMO is owned by Sinclair media, KIRO isn’t much better. Fox13 is fucking fox, so I won’t even bother. The Times is Hearst Corporation. So the vast majority of media sources here are directly owned by institutions that have a vested interest in maintaining status quo.
The Stranger is still independent, but the quality has suffered greatly over the last 10+ years.
Also, this is partly a natural pendulum swing back to the right. A lot of people were upset after the Sawant experiment (debacle?), but instead of finding better leftist politicians, we just fled back to the centrist, corporate bullshit that led us down the Sawant path in the first place.
Agreed, and the appointment of Mark Solomon kind of solidifies that. I’m hoping that we pass 1A, and by the time we actually get to work on it we’ll have voted in a council that actually does the shit we want.
Let’s go, Seattle. Put our money where our mouths are. Tax the rich to help the poor, invest in infrastructure, be a sanctuary to the needy, all the good shit.
As a lower-upper-lower-middle-class DINK, I am more than willing to give up some more tax money to help. People making more than 10x what I do should feel the fucking same.
Imma let you finish, but Neo had the best ‘died and resurrected for our sins’ arc of all time.
This song is featured in the horror movie Green Room, which is also an excellent answer to this question.
I hate them less than I hate an Ohio State, so…
You can’t root /against/ Detroit. That’d be like watching Varsity Blues and hoping Lance falls out of his wheelchair.
Boss: “How did you get this done already?”
Me: “I upped efficiency by employing clever time-saving techniques.”
Boss: “So you cut corners.”
Me: “Hell yeah I did.”
If the US leaves that alliance and then starts surreptitiously sending drone parts to Russia, it’ll get dicey.
If the AfD forms a coalition government with the normal conservatives and Germany decides to turn inwards and keep Deutsche money für die Deutscher, it’ll get dicey.
If Macron finally completes his heel turn and appoints Marine le Pen to interior secretary…
If Italy keeps going the way they’ve been going…
If the Finnish right decides that joining NATO was a mistake that let too many minorities in…
If the rest of Africa goes along with the Sahel nations and starts funneling their resources into the Russian war machine…
If Modhi lets Russia open more factories in India…
If China decides that they’re cool with sharing power on the global scale and fully buys in on the BRICS bloc…
Russia looks weak right now because the invasion has been such and embarrassment, but that can change surprisingly quickly. The global shift towards authoritarianism is coming hand-in-hand with a shift away from US/Eurocentric hegemony.
Seriously. Do we really think that all of these old men suddenly care about fairness in women’s sports?
They threw batteries at Santa. They killed hitchhikerbot. What do we expect?