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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Oh man, the minute it was out I was all over that. I agree. It’s amazing, I was astounded when it wasn’t renewed.

    Actually the only reason I haven’t made a community for the dark Crystal yet is because I made the animorphs community first haha.

    I’m doing a complete reread, but who knows, dark Crystal could easily be the next community I start.

    I’m in love with the aesthetic, characters and pretty much all of the stories

  • I had a long conversation with a Turkish guy who was earnestly trying to convince me that the fake injuries were the best part of soccer.

    His argument was that “unlike Americans, Europeans would use any method that isn’t technically breaking the rule to win and that’s what’s so fun.”

    “See it isn’t technically breaking the rules because you can’t prove they aren’t really hurt!”

    “Of course they aren’t really hurt that’s how smart they are.”

    How clever. To dramatically grab your knee to avoid playing a game that is your entire reason for being there in an often vain attempt to underhandedly game the system.

    Crybaby poses need penalties.

  • Menus.

    I find a menu from a local place and learn everything on the menu, I try to find a place with disposable menus so I can take home, and once I asked the restaurant if I could take their regular menu home to study.

    Food is going to be something I experienced daily anyway when I’m in a new country so it’s practical and helps me form a foundation.

    Once I know the food items, common questions become natural extensions of the food items.

    So menus are usually my base, and then I expand with a teaching app or YouTube videos and then I talk to people.

    An incredibly effective method that is boring but quick is to choose one movie in the language you’re studying, and watch it once per day, really paying attention to all of the speech.

    That boosted my Mandarin like crazy in comprehension, but it can be a slog for the four to 6 weeks it takes.

  • I’ve helped a lot of people stop working, so you’re definitely incorrect on both counts.

    Most commenters here are responding to their fears or anxieties of being a teacher specifically, which is one of the simplest and quickest solutions (among many) to their stated goals.

    If your goals are to minimize work to maximize your own time, becoming an English teacher is a very simple and fast way to achieve those goals.

    That is practicality; the opposite of delusion.

    There are many other ways to work less and have more free time that you and the others are too afraid to investigate, let alone seriously attempt.

    This is very common anxiety, and an example of your delusion you’re projecting.

    My suggestions, that you have not heard or considered, work when actually attempted.

    Maximizing your own time and minimizing the amount of work you have to do is a very simple goal to realize by various methods.

    It’s just scary for you because If those are your goals and you succeed in achieving them so quickly, it means that you’ve been wasting your life complaining about something you could have changed at any time because you were too afraid to be sincere and ask for help.

    Often, it turns out that maximizing your own time and minimizing work are not your values and goals and you don’t know yourself as well as you thought you did, which also frightens people.

  • I’m not fixated on one artifact. I mentioned one artifact and it’s all you’ve talked about.

    So I’m responding to what you keep talking about, the knife.

    Which is a major unnecessary fiasco of the film, no matter how many times you say minor.

    Since you brought it up again:

    Raiders uses an artifact to great effect, are the amulet is necessary irreplaceable and uniquely expressed through the power of the sun on a particular day turning into a laser beam. Very fun, very exciting.

    Nine uses a knife whose purpose is completely useless since the island can be found in any number of ways, and when the dull knife is utilized nothing happens except they literally match a shape to another shape that doesn’t need to be matched.

    It makes me embarrassed for Daisy Ridley just to think that she was put in that position as a decent actor.

    Like I said, a glass of wine to moldy Kool-Aid.

    The best implementation of something like an artifact versus the worst implementation.

    You can ask questions about something other than the knife If you like.

    I enjoy tons of new movies. And I can tell you why I enjoy them with the same level of precision and accuracy that I can tell you why mine was so terrible.

    Your argument reminds me of a guy I knew who was insisting that NSync will be remembered as culturally as important as the Beatles.

    This desperate equivocation of two completely different groups.

    You’re trying to ignore all of the context and details of the movie and insist they’re both just “magic” “adventure” movies.

    Those are barely accurate descriptors of the theme of the movie and have no bearing on the quality of the movie itself.