• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Fairy Tail has kinda a DBZ vibe, but the fights are over with in one or two episodes, not 45. (Funimation)

    If you like suspense and psychological thriller, and don’t mind subtitles, Kaiji is an excellent watch. It’s about a man who cosigned a loan with a friend, from a bunch of loan sharks, and has to play increasingly deadly games to try to regain his life. It will take you for a ride. (Crunchyroll)

    I really enjoyed Dr Stone. An apocalypse occurs, petrifying the entire world. Humanity starts to slowly awaken, and they try to rebuild the world while fighting against an opposing group trying to start a new world order. At least for season one. I haven’t cought up recently cuz my depression has been kicking my ass. (Funimation)

    That’s all I got off the top of my head, and I hope it helps.

    Edit: If you like Kaiji, it has two separate side stories.

    Akagi is set in the 70s, I think, and is about a man who is apparently a savant at Mahjong, and ends up playing against a mob boss. wagering his blood against the bosses fortune. The show is really good at trying to explain the rules to the uninitiated without being condescending, and still keeping it suspenseful and engaging.

    The other is Mr. Tonegawa’s Middle Management Blues, more of a slice of life workplace comedy, centering around one of the antagonists of Kaiji, and trying to manage his employees while pleasing his boss. I didn’t finish this one, cuz I got the point about halfway through, but I had fun while it lasted.

    And I just remembered Cells At Work, also subbed, but an excellent romp which I would call “edutainment,” but don’t let that dissuade you! It anthropomorphizes different cells of the human body, describing their functions in kinda a slice-of-life meets monster of the week format. The white blood cells are the knife-weilding defence force of the human body, cutting down Power Ranger monsters that never were. Again, don’t get put off by the edutainment label, cuz the edu and the tainment both hit hard.

  • Oh I’ve always tried to give people the benefit of the doubt. To a fault, even. I’ve been trying to keep a level head. You are right. Finding who I am, bringing her out of that cold, dark cell, it’s intoxicating. Thankfully, the wife and kids are around to help keep me in check.

    Unfortunately, too, I think I’ve unlocked a new set of neuroses. I’m worried I’m obsessing too much about my body hair, and I’m worried I’ve not been feeding myself right. Then again, old me was known to binge eat when stressed, so maybe I’ve cut that out since I’m me now? Gosh, this stuff is so hard to put into words. I feel like I need to invent whole new words to describe how I feel.

  • Respectfully, I don’t tell you how to live your life, so please don’t tell me how to live mine. In many, many cultures, the human body isn’t immediately sexualized and nudity is common, or at least not looked at with disdain. Part of my thought process is that the human body isn’t shameful. Even in “civilized” culture, first world countries, whatever you want to call it, plenty of countries have much more lax viewpoints than puritanical America. Nude beaches for example, arent sex crazed erection centrals. People have often sexualized breasts, but there’s that whole “free the nip” and equality for walking around topless. The human body isn’t something that is inherently shameful.

  • Yeah, it was just my body. I think… I truly had no association with my man-body. It… Wasn’t mine? If that makes sense. I didn’t care what happened to it. But, for example, I was making hot dogs yesterday. Good ones, not that rubbery shit. Some of the hot dog juice from the packet landed on my arms, chest, and shirt as I threw away the packaging.

    I. Freaked. Out.

    I was just about crying in the bathroom because I didn’t have a shirt I felt comfortable in, and I WAS NOT gonna put on one of my old shirts, or walk around topless. I am so self conscious now, I wouldn’t dream of it. I can barely get into bed without being covered now. (I sleep naked. I might change that soon though 😭 Sandpaper skin suuuucks) But, yeah, I guess I always thought of it as “his” body and not mine, you know?

  • Friend, I’m going to try to be gentle, and honest, and I hope you will listen with an open heart and mind.

    I came out to myself, and my wife and kids about a week ago. I was born with the mind, the spirit, the personally, the essence, whatever, of a woman 37 years ago. I have been living as a man, conforming to society’s rules for 37 years. It took me four days, two hours at a time, to feel 40% of the way you do, just by waking up.

    Note: I don’t know what gender you are. I don’t actually give a flying fuck. The point is, if you want to go sit in a sauna with your peers, you can. I can’t. All the normal experiences you had, weather you was born as a girl, and was annoyed that your mom made you sit still so she could fix your hair, or as a boy playing catch with your dad or working on the family car, you got that. You got to go to prom wearing what you want. Hell, you can go take a shit at the mall without people giving you dirty looks.

    I can’t.

    Trans people don’t want to insert themselves anywhere. Society wants to exclude them from everywhere. It may seem pointless that it’s just some beauty pageant, but imagine you have this beautiful car you built, by hand. You even had to so much custom shaping and fabrication, but goddamn is she pretty. Let’s take her to a car show, shall we? Wait… You can’t show off the car you’ve literally spent years on? After all this time, after you spent all this money, all this time, hiding away. You are scared. This isn’t a mass manufactured car, what if you get made fun of? It’s fine, it still has the shape of a car, and it’s so pretty, and you are so proud!

    What… it isn’t allowed? It is a gorgeous car though… They say it isn’t actually a car, just a bunch of shit someone slapped together. You can’t just take a Ford, strip it down to it’s frame, rebuild it peice by peice, and still call it a car. You cheated, and it’s wrong. Hell, for good measure, they tell you you can’t even register to drive it. It now sits in your garage. Collecting dust.

    If you don’t understand my allegory, you are you, the car is your true sense of self, your “transgenderism” if you must call it that, the car show was gonna be the pageant but I spaced out and it became representative of society as a whole for a minute…

    You are absolutely right that we want to be accepted. You’re accepted. Why can’t I be like you? Why do I have to be scared my step brother is going to beat the shit out of me just because I have to take a piss? You can go to the store and just… Grab a gallon of milk without having to worry about some bigot stalking you and hurting you just because you wore yoga pants because you think you have a nice ass. I’m nervous to step into my own backyard to have a cigarette without an entire man-costume on. You can literally put on whatever the hell you want, step outside, and and shout at the top of your lungs “I’m here!” And nobody will bat an eye.

    If I put on whatever I wanted, stepped outside, and met you for the first time, pleasant as can be, your preconceived notions would be that I’m some weird bundle-of-sticks-word that need to go inside and has no place in society.

    TL;DR: Trans people are people too

  • Hi, I don’t know you, but I do feel very proud of you for being brave enough to take the next steps in your journey of self-discovery, whatever it looks like. It took me 37 years to come to terms with myself, to accept I’m a girl. While I’m only a week in to acceptance, I get you. I look in the mirror and see some ugly guy trying to dress up as a girl, most times. I just wanna be the beautiful sexy lady I know I am inside.

    I just wanna say, too, that if, at some point, you decide HRT isn’t right for you, that’s okay. That doesn’t make you any less of the beautiful, strong young woman you know you are. And if, for some reason, you decide you are cisgendered , that’s okay too. This is your journey. Don’t let anyone tell you that you are doing it wrong.

  • Oh, don’t get me wrong, I’ll admit to have watching porn just to get off, but honestly, I used to think I was some pervert freak. Now… Now I realize I wasn’t wanting lustfully ogle those innocent women at the mall. I was admiring, studying. Probably trying some things out in my head. You know Amber, from Genshin Impact? I haven’t played it in a couple of years, but I kinda wanna adopt that style. Booty shorts, low cut shirt. I wanna adopt some of the stuff and styles I’ve seen, and hope I can be as pretty as they are some day. Ya know?