Wendy_Pleakley [he/him, they/them]

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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2024

  • Rough day. Rough week. Maybe nobody knows me anymore. I barely know myself. But I think I’m all I have anymore.

    serious thoughts

    It’s not fair to raise someone who can’t love themselves. A just world would punish someone for this, I think. I can’t punish anyone. I probably would, which is maybe why I’m not fit to run The World.

    They say to love yourself, and I try, but like, sitting in a corner being kind to myself isn’t the same as building relationships, which I am realizing I was not taught how to do.

    I know I’m my own responsibility, but like, how? I have to schedule all my appointments. I have to send all my emails. Nobody will ever “step in” to make things easier.

    And everyone I talk to, everyone, just says “yeah man, it sucks” like, people just live like this? You just have a gaping fucking hole in your heart from your parents? And we all just don’t talk about it?

    But I, the gay autistic loner stoner, am the weirdo for thinking people should always be checking in on each other

    I don’t know if that rant was anything. I’m trying to be less emotional, but I literally comment because I can’t keep these things in. I trust this space for that, I guess.

  • I wish I could just shut off my pattern recognition. Truly. It’s easy once a thing happens a couple of times for that to be the new standard. Now everyone is this intimidating person that is obviously never going to text me. If I could observe that people are easy to talk to and that sending a text won’t cause my skin to disintegrate, I feel like I could change my mindset.

    Unfortunately she wasn’t a shy girl, I was the shy one. I felt like I was taking a risk any time I tried speaking up. I had to be so brave to approach her. And she’d go screw one of these confident guys who is just straight up a prick (not even nice-guying, I had a bad vibe about one guy from the get go and nobody believed me because he was popular, then things between them fell apart WOW WHO GUESSED) and act like we never had any sort of connection.

    But like, the fact that I’m sitting here sad about it (and I’m not even straight anymore) YEARS later and don’t know how to move on. People will just let you stay stuck. It’s fucking crazy.

  • I was in school and had a crush on this woman. I thought we hit it off, she was super fun and bubbly around me when we first met. We had several classes together so I saw her all the time.


    I would text her like every day. She’d respond usually, but her responses after a month or so started getting delayed and less enthusiastic. She kinda started acting cold.

    Also she slept with multiple guys during this, and like never bothered to say she wasn’t interested in me. We went on a date! I genuinely thought I had a chance, still.

    COVID happened and I had to leave school for multiple reasons. I opened up to her about struggling with depression and all of it and she said she was there for me. She pretty much never texted me first at this point, it was just me reaching out.

    I asked her once if she could call me to check in. She did not. I never knew how to tell her how much that hurt. Because she was one of two college friends I stayed in touch with, and the other person also chose distance.

    So texting feels broken because I do not trust anybody to respond to me. It sucks.

  • Idk. I’ve been a low maintenance friend in the past. I keep a lot to myself, and I guess to me, I feel like me speaking up is the sign that things are bad. Me going a long time without reaching out is the sign that things are bad. I don’t think any of my friends in school saw it that way, frankly

    If I mention a thing that I am going through, I am mentioning it because I want help and another perspective. A lot of people will just stand and stare, and I’m worried that I literally have to say “can you help me fix my brain” or “can you help me want to live” because I don’t entirely know in practical terms what to ask for from an individual in the context of my mental health.

    When someone makes it seem like remembering to text you is an inconvenience, you stop wanting to put that effort in. I don’t know how to undo that, I want to put my time and effort where it is valued.

  • Idk. I’m super hung up on past experiences. I feel like I’m stuck in spectator mode in my daily life until someone expresses interest. I don’t see a point in reaching out when I don’t know what to talk about, or if the person on the receiving end isn’t interested.

    Like those text threads where you keep messaging and the person just says “haha yeah” “oh well you know” but never explicitly tells you they aren’t interested. But you feel their vibe, and even though you text, the responses get further and further apart. I kinda think that’s evil…? and don’t want to be in a situation where I get ghosted.

    I used to be mildly better at small talk, and got really overwhelmed by big thoughts in my head. I reached a point where I didn’t feel like I could make small talk, because the existential stuff is completely jamming the pipeline. Unfortunately, I think I’ve been waiting for a follow-up that isn’t coming.

  • I’ve really romanticized the idea of those COVID pods people had during the pandemic.

    more on that, I guess

    Like, a group of people committed to coexisting peacefully with one another and actively keeping each other involved? Planning activities and checking in with one another? Consistent contact with the same humans? Struggling together, sharing in the human experience? Hot damn. Too bad it was the end of the world.

    Most people my age seem to still be with their Pod Group thing from this time. Like they chose their forever friends and now they all post about how they go to wine tours or on top of mountains or something. And I’m just stuck on the outside, wondering why people who haven’t thought about me in years still weigh on my mind.