🍀 Adastra 🐝

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • I feel incredibly restless at my job and it’s everything I can do to not stand up and just leave for good. I’m paid essentially minimum wage in a dead end job at a ブラック企業… But I’m so burnt out on job searching for months on end and terrified to return to unemployed life. I haven’t touched my hobbies for months and I’m… I’m just so tired. God damn…

  • It’s something I struggle with a lot, too. I stay away from feeds and aggregates for the most part because they tend to have the most attention grabbing (ragebaut, despairbait, what have you) and just browse a handful of news sites when I want to get an idea of what’s happening at home and around the world.

    To keep from doomscrolling/binge reading despair, I limit my browsing to just an hour or two in the morning (or on lunch break, downtime at work) ever couple of days or so, unless there’s a specific event that I want to follow (like Eurovision, Ukraine war update, my local election results, wildfire update etc).

    I use Ground.news to see sources’ factuality/credibility and biases, and scope out topics and sources of interest.

    Grist.org focuses on environmental news and are pretty consistent about having some kind of meaningful, forward -facing conclusion in their articles. Usually in the form of ways everyday folks like you or me can contribute/participate, steps toward long term solutions, that kind of thing. Personally find these additions to be helpful in lessening the aftertaste of despair I’m usually left with whenevet I read the news…

    I guess my advice is 1. moderation and 2. quality sources. Easier said than done, I know, but… Good luck 🐝

  • Personally I find §̷̛̛͎̜̞͍͍̭͇̞̰̖̘̻̮͖̈́̈̇͊̀̀̄̽͛̉̈̈́̋͜͜w̴̢̼͖̟͕͖̰̞̙̺͔̦̠̟͆͆̋̅́͋̀̓̍̾̅͗̄̈͝͝ê̶̢̡̧̡̛̛̪̟̜̜͕̩̯͎̦̙͌̈́̓̋̏̈́̒͆̎͂̕͜͠ȩ̴̨̞͍̻̹̱̟̰͍̤̭͍̫̜͈̂͋̾̀̈̒͂͋̀̎̔͛̌̓̔͘͝†̶̩͍͓̖̭̫̺̭̘͚͈̼̲͔̟̪̓̈́̄͛̋̆̋̽̈͒̒̅͝͠ ̶͔͍͎̝͙̪͉͚̝̟̰̫̙͈̾̀̈͛͐͗͂̾̎̒̈́̈̇̒£̵̛̛͈̹͍̙̺͇̟̰̰͓̣̦͙̰͇͊̀͂͂̂̉̋̈͆̊́̓̈́͠ͅå̶̡̢̢̧̢͔̯̟̩̭̣̺̜̻̻͔̈́͆̒̋̎̋̍͗͒̾̓̾̚͘͝͠†̴̡̧̼̫͇̟̙̰̦̫̮͙̬̠̟̊̂́̋̀̄̿́̏̐̈́͗̇̍̈̂ ̴̻̪͙̬͍̖̝̮͇̗͓͈͙̜̯͒͋̉͐͊̌̃̒̀̊̌̈̈́̕̚͘͜ð̴̡̤͍͎̭̯̙̺̣̦̯̘̙́̌̿͛̈́̅̆̈̏̾̀̚̚̕͜͝£̶̧̛͉͖̼͍͕̜͙̫̭̝̻̠͙̈͌͌̅̇͐͑̑͗̇̽̐̔̎ ̸̡̪͉͇͚͍̰͖̲͈̜͙̰͈̝̈́̀́̈̿͐̈́͋͑͛͋̍́̐͌̚†̴̡̛̰̻̠͈̘̲̙̣̦̮͕̘̦͎̀̓̇̿̓̅̅͌̅̈́̆̄̽̊h̷̙͖͔̲̻̥̼͇̹̹̥͈͔̠̫͒̏̓̎͋̏̅͗͒̐̈́̾̊̎̍̕͜ê̷̢̛̛̪̟̮̻̖͙̤̮̦̺̳̻̠̏̊́̏̍͆̏̋͆̾͌̊͠ ̶̡͓̠̫̹̙͈͇̬̟̖͔̬̻̞̊̃̓́͑͊̌͆͌̈̑͛͘͜͝͝h̷̡̧̡̛͚͙͎̪͎͖̣̗̺͈̽̃͑̑̌̎̊̌̉̋̀̇̕̕̕͜ð̸̡̘̞̜̣̘̩̥͓̖̞̺͇͙̫̖̔̾̈̑͊̇͆̆͛͑̍̽͐̆͐̕g̵̨̼̟̳̙̜̹̦̳͙̼͕̗̝̬̯̾̊͛̾̋͗̑̽̃̀̔̌̌̓ to have a milder flavor.

  • On Firefox:

    • uBlock Origin
    • Bitwarden
    • Decentraleyes
    • Terms of Service; Didn’t Read
    • Firefox Multi-Account Containers
    • Facebook Container
    • Consent-O-Matic
    • Don’t Track Me Google

    …and the add-ons not related to privacy:

    • 10ten Japanese Reader (Rikaichamp)
    • Zhongwen
    • New Xkit
    • Earth View from Google Earth
    • Palette Creator
    • Save to Notion
    • Send to Outline
    • Web to EPUB

    I use most of these on Brave Browser, too.