I’m glad you’re enjoying PHP and have given me another perspective on the subject.
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This is why I’m here.
I’m glad you’re enjoying PHP and have given me another perspective on the subject.
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This is why I’m here.
I really prefer .config and .cache to just having random crap in your home directory. It comes with fallbacks, too, if you want things somewhere else.
xdg dirs are a win. I don’t know which parts you might be thinking about, (and quite possibly being quite right about,) but this part, at least, is good.
I use the same setup with Syncthing and Obsidian. The git plugin sometimes gets confused, but nothing I can’t untangle. I also use Syncthing for pictures off my phone, and ebooks onto it.
Actually, I think I do have a setup that might qualify as unusual: I use the scheduled backup feature of Podcast Addict to get a listing of listened podcast episodes, and then I inject them into my Obsidian notes.
Tap water is so cheap it might as well be free, and it’s probably included in the rent in a lot of places.
I guess it’s not free in places that need to have a revolution first?
Also, one of the machines is running the git plugin, so things get saved in my Forgejo as well. I guess I could set it up so they save to hit, but in different branches. 🤔
Fair, but it’s also just a way of saying that programming isn’t a task for humans. (At least not in the correctness aspect)
Could also be a capital thing, which is why I’m curious. Cycling some of our streets here in Stockholm is definitely like, “oh, you had the idea to fit that thing in here” at all the drivers.
It’d be interesting to see it by weight of those cars. My impression is that Italy has a lot of really small cars, while we here in Sweden have a lot of the US-style Emotional Support Vehicles
The second part sounds like a thing phones should already be capable of, if it weren’t for trying to charge for something. Or snoop on me. Or something worse I just haven’t thought of.
Enshittification is such a downer. Oh, well, guillotines will fix it eventually, I guess.
So close! Get one that does poached eggs. It’s basically like an ice-cube tray, but the cells are bigger so they fit a whole egg. Only downside is that you need to be quite precise when filling the water. (We use a kitchen scale and measure it to the gram, but it’s perfect every time)
The exact model we have is the Cuisinart CEC-10, but I’m sure there are others.
This. So much this.
I’m a member of Sveriges Ingenjörer. Fortunately, I’ve never needed serious union help, but it’s probably because the background threat is more than enough. And the salary statistics alone are worth the dues!
Axioms are not like the others, they’re assumed to be true even before considering any evidence or even arguments.
Yesss… You’re not wrong, but I really do believe the solution we want is to be found somewhere in that direction. Considering the Google graveyard, the faang crowd isn’t all that reliable either.
This is a somewhat surprising position to see in the fediverse…
(I mean, I get what you’re saying, and I guess someone should bring that to the party, but there is s different way)
Sounds reasonable, but a lot of recent advances come from being able to let the machine train against itself, or a twin / opponent without human involvement.
As an example of just running the thing itself, consider a neural network given the objective of re-creating its input with a narrow layer in the middle. This forces a narrower description (eg age/sex/race/facing left or right/whatever) of the feature space.
Another is GAN, where you run fake vs spot-the-fake until it gets good.
Well, Rust has a lot of string flavors, and I like utf-8 being the norm, but there are a bunch of cases where enforcing utf-8 is a nuisance, so getting string features without the aggro enforcement is nice.
There’s probably some fruity way to make this a security issue, but I care about ascii printables and not caring about anything else. This is a nice trade off: the technical parts are en-US utf-8, the rest is very liberal.
Reminds me of Scarfolk
Protein / calories, and glycemic index, right. There are a few other considerations, but primarily these, for me
Rust implementation of the Meta-II meta compiler. I used bstr, which was interesting.
No, but that’s what it meant. Or maybe it was malicious, but it doesn’t matter, because you need to give it the best interpretation. Somebody else reading it might take that interpretation and agree, so write for them, not the original commenter. (troll or not)