Class solidarity my friend. Fuck the rich.
Class solidarity my friend. Fuck the rich.
I’m not USAian enough to understand all this, but let me just say, the problem is the rich. Them stealing all the money leaves little for the rest, and due to the lack of education, the rest fights each other over what’s left instead of uniting against rich fucks. Painting CRT, DEI, feminism, trans-rights, anti-immigration, etc. as the issue are just ways to divide the have-nots.
Divide and conquer.
The rich don’t even have to lift a finger to divide the left.
Com… companion? Blink twice if you’re being abused.
As many others are saying, I can’t read that handwriting. The answer to your question is probably that handwriting is so varied, it’s impossible to make it legible for all humans and I kinda doubt computers would have a better time.
How many countries have a death penalty? The US is probably only in the company of non-democratic countries.
The US seems to be doing its best to be everyone’s enemy right now.
Hydrants have hotdogs in them now?
Rambling of a madman - or a very good troll.
Resolved because it was a “bug”. lol. Most people probably won’t switch.
You can find communities here. Check out the communities on or . You might find what you’re looking for there.
What is that picture with the fish even supposed to mean? Is the fish Jesus?
Wow! Is Colombia ready for to be added to the list of countries with a forced regime change by Amerikkka?
Seriously though, I hope the US stays the fuck out of Colombia and let’s them be autonomous. That country is large, with a lot of sun and a long coast line. Wouldn’t surprise me if they could generate the majority of the energy from wind, solar, and possibly wave energy.
Hilarious 🤣🤣🤣 They can still rename to Freedom Boys or something.
A new way of counting votes, removing the ability to accumulate mandates would be good starters, and a constitution agreed upon by people from all walks of life instead of the elite. Maybe also some restrictions on the president’s powers.
Otherwise there might be beheadings again.
Either it’s a sign of waning resources or they are just more efficient?
We need a non-US instance for sure.No US IPs allows, no communities that allow US news or news directly related to them. USAmericans are just so friggin loud online and IRL.
Lose against Russia, your people are fucked for decades to come. Win against Russia with US help, kiss your rare earths goodbye and one major source of income is gone, but at least your people live.
Trump is quite egoistic.
If they took notice at 12k signatures, that means they’re scared. The UK should just keep going and get to 100k signatures to force them to debate it in parliament.