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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Without a doubt! I played DS1 after DS3 (was always intimidated by the series until a visiting friend forced me to sit down and actually play it, thankfully), so I had that, “whoa!” moment numerous times whenever I’d somehow end up either right inside the hub area or quite close to it after spending hours traversing dungeons and ruins that felt miles away from the hub.

    Truly wish FS would make another game designed like it.

  • Haha, I actually don’t hate DS2, it’s just pretty badly balanced (PvE wise, of course; I can’t speak on PvP). The levels are the bosses in that game (with a few exceptions), which makes going through them quite tedious after a failed run. If they dialed down the density of enemies and possibly buffed some of them in compensation, it could possibly almost tie almost evenly with the other 2 games for me. Oh, and got rid of the obnoxious Soul Memory system, god what a terrible idea that mechanic was/is.

    What I do really enjoy about the game are the interesting and somewhat diverse locales, with some levels having some great design going on. I love the item and gear variety. I also really liked being able to reinforce my armor along with weapons. It made light armor a lot more competitive in the late game and I am a little sad they got rid of that feature in DS3 (among other things DS3 abandoned). I also enjoyed the sheer number of secrets in the game (Side note: One thing that saddens me in Elden Ring, is how little fake walls and secret passages there are). But it’s not just walls/passages; for example, in No-man’s Wharf, accidentally discovering that those freaky spider things fear fire/light and seeing them retract into the shadows was an awesome detail.

    Anyway, I’d love for them to someday truly remaster DS2 and bring the enemy placements more in line with the original DS2 (SotFS is the current “remaster” and there are way more enemies/gank squads in it than vanilla DS2). If they did that and got rid of soul memory, replacing it with the same MP system as DS1R and DS3, I’d love to play through it again.

    Sorry for the tangent, I’m just in full on Souls/ER mode this week.

  • I like DS1, but it really just depends on my mood. If I want faster paced combat, I go for DS3. If I want slower paced combat, I go for DS1. Also, the first half of DS1’s world design is unmatched in how it’s all interconnected, so I really enjoy the beginning of that game over DS3’s. That being said, fuck Bed of Chaos and that whole lava level. It’s just so bad (even Miyazaki agrees, as they unfortunately ran out of budget and time).

    Regardless, I’m beyond hyped for Shadow of the Erdtree this week! Haven’t taken a day off work for a game launch in ages, but I sure as hell did this time.

  • Well, I’m not a cybersec specialist, but my job requires us to comply with NIST cyber security frameworks, including going through external audits every year. In my opinion, your basic generalities are fine for those not working in that field specifically.

    However, for cyber security analysts and other specialists, I think specific subcategories are necessary. The reason being, IT is an absolutely massive field that contains a ton of specialties. As such, that means there are roughly an equal variety of malicious actors in the same field.

    There’s no such thing really as a general “hacker” anymore. Especially when you take into consideration the rapid expansion of state sponsored cyber attacks/warfare. You’ll have specialists for various types of:

    • phishing (e.g. targeting general pop/employees, or those going for specific people)
    • cryptography (e.g. those who try to compromise an org’s PKI, or people finding vulns to exploit expired certs like what happened with Azure last year)
    • vuln hunters/exploiters (e.g. people that monitor known vulnerabilities and probe orgs’ defenses to see if those vulns are present/unpatched/unmitigated, or even people who try to discover new ones)
    • malware engineers (e.g. fairly self explanatory, but malware is a very broad term and can come in numerous shapes and sizes, like even using infected images on a website to conduct RCE on mobile devices like what happened a year or two ago)

    Sorry, tangent is getting a bit long-winded now. Anyway, tldr; general terms are fine for laymen or non-specialists, but more precise terms are beneficial for experts in that field.

  • Who cares? The community will have player made expansions in a year that will likely be free and of higher quality.

    Regardless, BGS is a shell of its former self. Whenever I see people clamoring for TES 6 I just scratch my head and ask why?

    Starfield was the final straw for me, I will never get excited for another Bethesda game again. They’ve shown that they refuse to truly shake up their game design. When people asked if Starfield would have the same magic as FO3 or older TES games, they said, “it’ll have the same DNA.” I assumed that meant it’d have fun exploration and interesting quests. While it has some decent quests, the exploration is utterly tedious and just unfun. I truly wish they’d had just focused on fleshing out 2 or 3 planets in one solar system, maybe some instanced, hand-crafted dungeons/whatever outside of it. I have zero interest in exploring proc gen worlds, it’s not that fun in No Man’s Sky and it’s not fun here. At least with NMS, it’s all relatively seamless.

  • If you’re using a work computer, I strongly advise not putting that on there, especially if it requires installation. At my work, we regularly scan for apps like these, as well as the physical jigglers that connect via USB. We do this for security reasons primarily. There are several built-in ways in Windows to simulate activity, I really don’t see the point in downloading random apps from potentially sketchy sources.

    One example off the top of my head: If you have multiple monitors, go into presentation mode with PowerPoint on one of them. This way, you can still have one monitor available to see your email and whatever chat app your org uses. If you have just one monitor, pretty sure you can still push it to the back or minimize it and it’ll still work. Also, watching videos within SharePoint is another way of preventing Windows from detecting inactivity. If you use Teams, you can start a meeting with yourself (though, some orgs monitor activity on Teams, so use this at your own risk). If PowerShell isn’t disabled, there’s also options there.