observing humanity from beyond

  • 22 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2022


  • It’s about which is more or less exploitative. When I briefly talked about Suptertux kart having modern ish feel, for an open source game that was impressive, while still retaining the benefits of being open source.

    open source development might be even more exploitative since it’s literally free labour and relies completely on the charity of other well off imperial core workers.

    This is because, on that post I mentioned how if one party makes a web comic series or similar, under a creative commons licensed, then other unrelated parties could then freely make a fan game and go all in on making the game and not have to focus as much on making new characters and plot.

    I do agree that everyone should have the freedom to create stuff from any IP, but lets be real here you won’t find a fan game made by a group of hobbyists on their free time better than a game made by a professional studio, its simply a matter of labour-power spent developing these games.

  • The lack of centralization will always hurt open source games, they simply cannot compare to a AAA game in literally any metric. It’s not really a matter of the code being open or closed, it’s mostly the amount of people working under a centralized direction. Open source projects are hobbyist projects made mostly by privileged people from the imperial core, these are not comparable to game studios with hundreds of professional developers working towards one goal. Even indie studios cannot compare to AAA studios, these only succeed when they develop a completely new genre and find their own niche.

    For example 0AD, it’s a good RTS game, FOSS, runs extremely well, distributed freely by most distros repositories but it’s only comparable to AoE 2 or age of mythology which are like 25 years old at this point, its been developed for 2 decades at this point too, a AAA studio could develop a more feature rich product in a couple of years with a much higher quality standard.