So, big wrestler tiger not to your liking apparently?
So, big wrestler tiger not to your liking apparently?
But Groobo’s record is still listed as the “Fastest completion of an RPG videogame” by Guinness World Records, which has not offered a substantive response to the team’s findings (Guinness has not responded to a request for comment from Ars Technica).
Of course they didn’t. Guinness has never cared about being correct. People pay Guinness to have a record listed. The record holders are the Guinness records’ customers.
It is, randomly happens in the festival plaza after the main plot. Honestly not that interesting despite the premise, there’s barely any plot to be found, just the most basic excuse to have you fight a couple battles with past villains and it’s over very quickly. They’d advertised so much around Rainbow Rocket that I was a bit disappointed.
I agree about the story part.
Worst part IMO is that original SuMo had the most interesting antagonist the series ever had, and Ultra decided fuck that, let’s rewrite that character in the most boring way possible and drop a random threat out of nowhere instead.
I think I’ve heard about this, yeah. That sucks. It could be as simple as one or two splash screens with the original studio in credits, and it’d be okay really.
That would have been a correct way to do this, yeah. I’ve seen it done like that too, for example Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition has both port and original teams in credits.
Going so far as removing a cool little ending song just because the video clip happened to reference the old studio is petty.
I don’t want him to find it because I want the over-the-top movie dramatization of that guy’s descent into madness.
He can have part of the movie revenues, if he’s smart.
Not sure how much, but there was stuff missing.
For example the filter that makes everything kinda blurry and dream-like, and a whole ending sequence video with a song, artworks and animations.
Worst part is that video was not removed for a lack of time or anything, but just because it included credits and a logo from studio Clover. You know, the people who made the game to begin with.
I have a sign that says “Shout to enter”.
The soundtrack in Cryo’s Dune was definitely a huge part of the experience. That was a very trippy game.
That definitely sounds like usual Ubisoft meddling. Hell, at that time Guillemot’s good friend Hascoet must have been in full directing power, shitting all over the Assassin’s Creed creative team’s decisions. While the company protected his sexual and moral harassment gig.
I can’t care less about Ubisoft being sold to whoever. Guillemot and his asshole clique don’t deserve shit.
Distance (arcade-y challenge runs in a car with jumping and flying ability) has VR and is played with a controller. It’s a full game sequel of sort to the free game Nitronic Rush. I am not sure about motion sickness, I didn’t get any on that game but I’ve got some training on other VR sims.
Tetris Effect is best played with a normal controller, with a D-pad. I mean it’s Tetris, motion is useless, and what kind of monster plays Tetris with a stick?
Not sure about ESRB, but for Europe, PEGI has revised their ratings since then.
3D Zeldas used to be rated 7, but nowadays they’re 12. Including remakes of old games. OoT and MM 3D had their rating raised.
Being 3D automatically bumps ratings up, even Mario Odyssey and 3D World got a 7 vs Wonder’s 3.
Intéressant. Ça tire plutôt vers le FPS old-school ou moderne? Ou y a un peu des deux?
Par old school je veux dire, ridiculement rapide, arsenal illimité, pas de regen,…
Juste pour clarifier parce que nulle part j’ai trouvé une définition de ce terme… En gros c’est un first person shooter dans lequel on peut voler?
Une recherche ne retourne pratiquement que open-fpsz lui-même et une random chaîne Twitch en résultat, et tout un tas de sigles qui n’ont rien à voir. Le github mériterait peut-être une meilleure intro que “on aime les fpsz et on en fait un”.
Il était grand temps qu’on nous débarrasse de toute cette racaille.
Honestly, at that point? I don’t care about getting them legally. And I am certainly not throwing money to the grey market either.
I am all for supporting people for their work, but since Take Two fired the studio last year, I can be sure my money will never impact anybody who actually worked on these games. Worse, it might be slightly beneficial to those who let them go.
I know most of the time when someone looks for a reason to resort to piracy it sounds like an excuse, but really, in a case like that I’d give zero fuck.
Oh I did that. Let me tell you, even for free… Only do that if you’re ready to lose days of your time trying to make the things work.
Sims 3 and 4 with full DLCs are basically unmaintainable. It’s not the repack’s fault, they’re just a complete mess.
Plus 4 is boring as hell, worst gameplay loop of the whole series.
Fuck, I missed that. I liked the original Olliolli, it was a cool game to have on a 3DS. World was in the back of my mind as “might get that one day” (but too many freaking games).
Sure, but I think the key word here is quietly.
They’ll try to hide the most embarrassing stuff, long after the fact, but I wouldn’t expect them to comment publicly on it. It’d be bad for their business.