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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2024


  • Oh I totally agree, but if we are being honest she really doesn’t give a shit about the planet so I think the reasoning behind the lack of Amazon links is laziness since you need to be pushing them all day long for it to be profitable. She consumes constantly, just not via Amazon so I don’t really consider it a win when it comes to her. Maybe if she was sharing ethical brands or ways to reduce consumption but she literally shops every single day for no other reason but to buy crap. I can’t even fathom the amount of money she spends on garbage that just gets piled around her house. I’d love to see her branch out in a sustainable or activist direction but she is way too selfish to even consider that. I need to stop remembering she exists because she is taking too much of my thoughts lately.

  • I get so grossed out by how often she thrifts when she is so rich. She can afford a vintage YSL from Vestiaire or eBay at a higher price point but instead, she goes to the thrift stores and buys up all the good stuff that are the only affordable options in this economy for many people. She won’t use this, it will be thrown on that chair in her room or on the floor never to be used again like everything she buys.

  • June and July are typically a lot slower for influencers so I wonder if this is affecting her. I am honestly surprised that she hasn’t jumped on to hawking Amazon shit to bring in more income because it would be extremely lucrative for her even with a couple of links per day. I personally hate Amazon with a passion and think it’s a shady way to earn a living because it’s all crap they share, I am just surprised she hasn’t gone that way to bring in extra money.

  • I wonder if she makes notes of talking points for the week like:


    • Talk about jundies and jorts (make sure to get the slang in)
    • Pretend to remember that they are actually called Bermuda shorts to use as the intro to my funny Bermuda Triangle and quicksand fear that I saw people talking about online.
    • Find and get the screenshots of the Bermuda Triangle and quicksand information ahead of time so I can have a flow to the stories. Finish with a scary article to reinforce to my audience that they too should be scared.

    Because honestly how can you talk about so much useless and pointless shit with screenshots and articles if you aren’t planning for the week?

  • Does anyone else internally scream shut up when reading her shit? We have all experienced body shaming at some point in our lives, and yet manage to rise above the bullshit and not make our identities perpetual victims. Instead of telling woe is me stories every single day, take the shitty shaming experience and do something positive with it. Maybe start an organization to help teens with these same issues. Do something other than this please. It’s tiring and overplayed now. It is time to move on from it because she has the resources, connections, and so much free time to do something impactful. It’s all words and no action every single day. How long can this actually go on?

  • This is a big yikes and illegal. I would be so livid and embarrassed if my husband used my email list that I worked so hard at building for his own personal gain. It makes her look bad, harms her business, and is a direct violation of trust to her and her followers who signed up. Unless of course she granted him permission which make her just as guilty. He shouldn’t even have access to that stuff.