• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • What’s that joke? Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that?

    Same idea here.

    You’d find about half of people whose creativity level being lower than the “average” (technically, mean). If Gen AI is learnt from the totality of our collective knowledge, it should help those on the lower half of the curve much more than those above the curve. However, since Gen AI itself is not able to create new concepts, the collective end up creating more of the same stuff that Gen AI is regurgitating from its training material.

    I don’t think this is necessarily a bad thing. This doesn’t apply only to creativity but all spectrum of general knowledge, and should help with raising equity and equality for the humanity at large.

  • The code check needs to have some time value associated with it. I taped the link via app, which loaded it in an in-app browser. After getting by the code challenge, I have to back out from the in-app browser to receive the message. Upon returning, the site sends a new code invalidating the old one, which prevents me from logging in. Codes should be valid for X minutes, such that users can fumble around their apps.

  • I think it would be a good idea to take a step back and ask what is it that you’re trying to achieve.

    Userbase, the service linked, is a backend as a service platform that offers you authentication and basic database that you can access via their api. You’d then code your own front end web app to interact with their service and store data there. You pay only per storage used by their storage tiers, which are frankly fairly fair priced. If that is something you’d need, that’s a good idea, but you’d be coding the front end yourself.

    If you’re only looking for authentication with OAuth, and then coding your own API backend, then something like Authentik would be a nice self hosted authentication provider. Others that commonly gets mentioned but I’ve got limited/no experience with worlds new keycloak, or fusionauth. Managed services here would be your Auth0, Okta, etc.

    If you’ve got a specific use case in mind, then it may be a good idea to say what service you’re thinking about, and the community may be able to suggest prebuilt solutions that good better and require less lift.