• 38 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • It’s not blocked as much as it’s made more and more difficult, because they can’t hard block it (yet). So, the best advice, if you actually want advice and not just to bitch on the internet (it’s fine if that’s all you want, btw), is to organize. Organization is the single most powerful tool in political efforts, full stop. Examine the problem that affects voters in a given area and organize with the explicit goal of helping voters overcome those barriers. I’m not just talking about getting people to the polls, I’m talking demanding local policy changes, getting after state legislators, yelling at anyone who will (and many who won’t) listen, organize and run local campaigns for city council or county supervisor. Those races can actually be competitive in deep red/blue areas, especially if locals know a particular person on their team is a shithead. Those positions also hold a shocking amount of power, and open up political communication channels that would otherwise be inaccessible. Idk if you’re a communist, and I don’t care, the American communists of the 1800s didn’t just sit back and wait for the US to collapse, they got out there and faced likely being murdered to try and organize slaves to break up an unjust system. Get outside and stomp some grass if you want to see something different, bitching on the internet won’t change anything.

  • I understand that we should stop funding and supporting the Israeli government, and I also think that this is, realistically, the best we’re going to get for the time being. No major policy battle is won overnight, especially in the US. It took marijuana reform decades and decades to go mainstream, and that happened because of efforts at the state and local levels forcing the federal government’s hand, and that’s still not totally won. It’s going to take decades of consistent effort to unfuck car centrism and bad urban policy, including housing. It’s going to take decades of consistent effort to get medicare for all and other desperately needed welfare reforms (not in the sense the republicans use it). It would be great if we could get a flaming radical who eats conservatives and shits effective policy, but the best, longest lasting, and hardest to erode results in the US are won by consistent, steady effort. Kamala winning would be a step in the right direction and a signal that speaking out for Palestine isn’t a radioactive snakebite for a presidential campaign. If this blows up on her, I expect the democrats to slam a lid on any talk of progressive policy for another 20 years.

  • We have a second house (a trailer, really) and rent it to my mom for way under market rate. 100% of the rent goes to paying off the debt from rehabilitating the trailer and paying off her utilities. It’s not like we’re out here just raking in the dough, we’re just trying to keep my mom from being homeless. I know for damn sure we’ve got to do it, because the state is way happier spending its money bashing homeless people instead of preventing homeless people.

  • While gerrymandering and voter suppression aren’t nothing, the system is just completely incapable of responding to signals it never receives. If you don’t vote, the system is not incentivized or designed to promote people who have your political interests in mind. There’s a lot of critical reforms that need to happen, none of them as urgent as ranked choice voting, but as little as your vote means for a federal election:

    • It means A LOT MORE for local elections, and these people have a shocking amount of power for how much people care about local races.

    • It’s still at least some signal to the system that can be interpreted or responded to. It can’t hurt. Throw your vote away on RFK or the Libertarian Party if you want. Hell, I voted for Jorgensen last election. But I’m telling you that not voting when you could is almost always going to lead to the worst possible outcome for people who share your political interests.

  • Really disappointed in Newsom here. He’s done a lot to try and improve the housing situation here (though not nearly enough, it’s a lot more movement than this issue has seen in years), so I really expected better than this of him. The camp sweeps are just the biggest fucking waste of money. The state spends millions of dollars playing whack-a-mole, tormenting the people in our society who need the most help and just wallpapering over the problem, and it does absolutely nothing to help. Arguably, it makes things worse. That money could be better spent on direct action, building affordable housing, funding rehabilitation, etc. But we gotta blow it out our ass just tormenting people because whiny wealthier people want them moved now.

    And we have the audacity to mock communist regimes for fake grocery stores, as if this is any better. You can’t fix homelessness by making these people miserable. The extra frustrating part is that the real fixes are far, far cheaper than this stupid fucking band-aid system we’ve developed.

  • We deserve to have shit thrown on us by the homeless. We designed, permit, and endorse the system that creates the conditions that make homelessness such a problem. Real solutions are fought aggressively, if not by NIMBYs then by moneyed interests, and bullshit non-solutions that just blow money out of the government’s ass and into the hands of private owners and shitty startups are what’s embraced instead.

    WoAh YoU mEaN tHe HoMeLeSs SpIkEs DiDn’T rEdUcE HoMeLesSnEsS?! No way! It’s almost like not actually addressing the problem somehow failed to fix it! Christian values my ass. The guy I read about would have some opinions about the US and its ‘Christians’.