Yeah you’re the asshole. 1/5 (20%) vs 1/4 (25%) is only a difference of 5% that you’d notice.
The fact that she’s better off means nothing here, it should not be taken into account. You don’t punish people for doing well or reward them for not.
It’s your parents estate, nobody gets any say but them.
It sounds like if your sister didn’t raise you kids, there wouldn’t even be having this conversation because there wouldn’t even be the inheritance.
You are 100% an asshole. You need to apologize to your parents and your sister, and encourage your brothers to do the same
Have you seen it lately? The Colorado River barely even reaches it anymore. The reservoir is like 300 feet lower than it was designed to run at.
I haven’t gone back once.
That’s what the GOP is basing their strategy on.
This is not my beautiful house.
What they meant was: you’ll become more conservative when you own a home, have kids, and start thinking about retirement.
I think it’s for me. I occasionally need regular expressions, like any career programmer. I also hate regular expressions. I have to complely relearn the every time I use them.
Yeah of course I did. Why would I play such excellent beautiful games on inferior hardware that limits the experience?
That’s what they want. That way they stay red.
I don’t really know what you’re talking about, I played botw and totk in 1440p 60 fps.
Praise the camera person.
Lol, wait till they drain the last of the aquifer. That will be hell on earth. Actual mad max.
Does she understand that those pigs who died also would never have lived if it weren’t for the factory farming?
If you had to choose between never existing, or existing for a while then dieing, which would you choose?
Never, my baby boy gets up and dances every time. It’s actually how he asks to watch bluey, he’s not talking yet, but he can sing the song.
If your job is just to talk or write, or do any form a data entry, you’re toast.
Well of course the worst is yet to come, it’s only July.
I love anchor steam. I can’t decide if its actually good, or if it’s just nostalgia. The beer kinda tastes bad, but like, charmingly bad? Like sucking on pennies.