That’s charitable to an excess
That’s charitable to an excess
Awww who’s a good boy? 🥺
deliver aid to struggling countries
China: delivers hurricane relief to struggling Americans
Also some of the most odious DRM iirc. Not to mention their dalliance with Blockchain Bitcoin NFT whatever.
Game Bub
Edit: woah they snuck an Artix-7 chip in there. The XC7A100T is beefy. I wonder what else it could run in that implementation.
Male faces are evolved to handle getting hit. Also your adrenaline would have caused you to barely feel anything in the moment.
Edit: this is what I remembered reading about this, turns out it was ten years ago: https://www.cbc.ca/news/science/men-s-faces-evolved-to-be-punched-study-suggests-1.2670756
Unemployed people have an easier time starting a revolution. Idle hands are the devil’s plaything.
For $26 not bad though. Agreed I’m likely to scoop up every Lower Decks character they make.
Anyone tried theirs out? I haven’t in a long long time once it started feeling useless.
There. Are. Four. Apps!
Reddit doesn’t deserve our content. I’m sorry that it is inconvenient, truly I am.
I hope you can figure out what’s weird about it and share. It seems like a normal Lemmy thread to me:
Don’t take the list above as any kind of condemnation; I do all of them all the time, too.
Son’s game, too? That’s cool that this really is a family thing ♥️
Punch Borgy…green?
Is that a…furry moth? ♥️
What about Dreamcast? 🤔
Oh my goodness that last picture. Annoyed the Void :-P
Where’s AVALANCHE when you need em?