dead [he/him]

  • 166 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: April 3rd, 2021


  • It was over 3000 pagers that exploded. This article tries to explain it.

    The evidence so far suggests that Hezbollah acquired the pagers around February when the group’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, ordered members to stop using cellphones because they could be easily intercepted and monitored by Israeli intelligence.

    In this case, Magnier said, the pagers procured by Hezbollah were with a third party and they sat at a port for three months, awaiting clearances, before they were finally moved to the Lebanese group.

    Hezbollah suspects that it was during those three months that Israel managed to plant explosives in the devices, the military analyst said.

    A Lebanese security source and another source told the Reuters news agency that the Mossad, Israel’s spy agency, planted explosives in 5,000 pagers that Hezbollah had ordered months before the explosions. The sources said a code was simultaneously sent to 3,000 of the pagers, triggering the explosions.

  • Project 2025 was created by the Heritage Foundation. The Heritage Foundation was a policy adviser for the Ronald Reagan presidency. In 1981, the Heritage Foundation published a listed of over 2000 policy recommendations for the Reagan Administration. By the Heritage Foundation own admission, Ronald Reagan was able to implement over 60% of the Heritage Foundation policy recommendations during his presidency. Ronald Reagan and Project 2025 are cut from the same cloth.

    https: // www.heritage .org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership

  • In June 2022, Ryan Routh hung Taiwan flags in Kyiv to display that Taiwan had support for Ukraine. You could not create a more NATO guy in a lab.

    Ryan Routh, told CNA that he posted the flags to pay tribute to the nations that have citizens fighting in Ukraine’s foreign legion

    Routh said there have been no protests about the presence of the Taiwan flag so far, but even if China is dissatisfied, “I can order another 1,000, they can’t touch my flags.”

    He came to Kyiv more than two months ago to show his support for Ukraine and wanted to join the foreign legion

    However, due to his age, he was unable to do so

    Routh has assisted in recruiting 70 volunteers to join the fight against Russia.

    He told the news agency that he included Taiwan’s flag because he had met at least five Taiwanese volunteers serving in the legion over the past two months

  • Other photos

    Another related article from DPRK

    Press Statement by Spokesperson for Disarmament and Peace Institute of DPRK Foreign Ministry

    Pyongyang, September 13 (KCNA) – A spokesperson for the Disarmament and Peace Institute of the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) on Friday released the following press statement “The collective confrontational cooperation against the DPRK will be accompanied by the strengthened formation of strategic axis for improving the security environment of the region”:

    The U.S. and its vassal forces held the second defense authority meeting between the ROK and member nations of the “UN Command” on September 10.

    Their moves to revitalize a tool for war and confrontation, which usurped the signboard of the UN, on the Korean peninsula are arousing a serious concern of the international community.

    Another anti-DPRK confrontation confab was held in the name of the “UN Command” whose dismantlement was declared by the international community decades ago. This is an insult to the inviolable UN and the UN Charter and one more important occasion judging who is the illegal force inciting military conflict in the Korean peninsula.

    A “joint statement” adopted after the meeting shows that the U.S. is buckling down to drawing member states of the “UN Command” into different joint military drills of aggressive nature to make them proficient in its-led war scenario and substantially enhance their capabilities to fight a war.

    Terming the U.S. and its vassal forces’ confrontational movement an extremely dangerous political and military provocation that causes security imbalance and escalates the danger of war in the Korean peninsula and the region, we resolutely denounce and reject it.

    The expansion of the “UN Command” is a prelude to the establishment of “NATO of Asian version” which will result in pushing the Asia-Pacific region deeper into the structure of new cold war, not easing the military tensions in the Korean peninsula and the region.

    When taking into consideration the fact that the revival of the “UN Command” is further increasing the possibility of military conflict in the Korean peninsula by stirring up the war hysteria of the ROK military gangsters running amuck in the military confrontation with the DPRK, the danger of such moves can never be overlooked.

    Moreover, if countries in different regions take part in the moves to revive the “UN Command”, blindly following the U.S. hostile policy toward the DPRK, military conflict in the Korean peninsula will not be confined to the one between the DPRK and the U.S. but will inevitably lead to the start of a new world war.

    It is an essential requirement for the national security and the region’s peaceful development to steadily improve the strategic force capable of deterring and weakening the hostile countries’ will for war provocation.

    The U.S. and its vassal countries’ collective military confrontation against the DPRK will serve as a motive and catalyst for accelerating the formation and development of a just strategic axis that thoroughly disallows the imbalance of power in the Korean peninsula and the region.

    The DPRK will steadily take a new strategic counteraction to contain and frustrate the reckless confrontation moves of the hostile forces to disturb peace and stability in the Korean peninsula by mobilizing the illegal war organization. -0- (Juche113.9.13.)

  • It is so funny that this is being headlined by Skillet. In the mid 2000s, Skillet was promoted as a wholesome christian rock band for teens who like rock music.

    Human Garage isn’t even music, but the other performances are all music. Human Garage is some new age spiritual medicine youtube channel that has videos called like How to Reset Your Organs with Simple Breathing Exercises.

  • CGTN has released a dozen videos onto youtube promoting Black Myth Wukong. Why would Chinese media promote a game that is unliked by China?

    Who is even the author of this article? No author is listed. It says it is an opinion piece. Whose opinion is this? There is a reference link to a quora-like website, but the link is an unrelated question. The question on Zhihu asks people how they feels about a video on bilibili called “Who wrote journey to the west?”, which doesn’t seem specifically about the game. The commentor on Zhihu seems to be someone who doesn’t like the story of “Journey to the West”, not specifically the game.

  • Service workers who are payed a wage by a capitalist are proletarian. Service work is productive labor. The capitalist is extracting value from their labor.

    Whether a barista is proletarian is entirely situational. Some baristas are proletarian. If a barista works for starbucks for example, then they are proletarian. If a barista works for themself and owns the coffee shop, then they are artisan, small business owner, petite bourgeoisie, middle class, etc. Baristas do not inherently fall into a specific economic class. If you ask, “Is a barista working class?”, if they work for a capitalist, then yes, if they work for themselves, then no. The discussion is pointless because it could be either. Some baristas are working class, some baristas are not working class.

    Cops are not service workers. Being a cop is not a service. Cops do not produce any service or commodity. Cops are never working class.

  • Did you seriously compare cops to baristas? Baristas make coffee. Police make nothing. Baristas serve coffee. Police use violence to enforce the will of the capitalist class. Some baristas work for a capitalist and some baristas are artisans who own their own coffee show, they could either be a worker or a small business owner. Police serve the interests of the bourgeois state. Stop going on twitter. Stop doing twitter discourse. Stop posting twitter discourse on hexbear.

    The Marx quote is not a direct comparison because police as we know them today did not exist during the time of Marx’s life. However the passage matches the characteristics of police as we know them today.

    Managers and supervisors are often considered to be petite bourgeoisie depending on the amount of authority that they have in a company. Cops are part of the state and the state acts in the interests of the capitalist class.

    The Engels quote you posted is saying that the working class of pre-capitalist economies were not proletarian, because the proletariat is specifically the working class of the capitalist economy. The working class that the Engels quote is referring to is slaves and peasants of past economies, ie slave society and feudalism. Slaves and peasants still had productive capacity but did not receive a wage for their productive capacity. The defining characteristic of the working class is still productive capacity. The additional characteristic of the proletariat is receiving a wage for the production. Cops do not produce. Cops receive a wage but not produce. Cops are not working class.

  • What you are saying is absolutely liberalism. If you don’t understand why cops are not working class, then you don’t understand class conflict and if you don’t understand class conflict, then you are not a leftist.

    Class is a person’s relationship to labor and the means of production. The defining characteristic of being working class is doing productive labor while not owning the means of production. A working class person uses their labor to create commodities or services which they do not own.

    Cops do not do productive labor. Cops do not produce anything. Cops are not exploited by the bourgeoisie. Cops are guard labor and guard labor is worthless.

    Here is an excerpt from chapter 13 of Marx’s Capital.

    The directing motive, the end and aim of capitalist production, is to extract the greatest possible amount of surplus-value, [14] and consequently to exploit labour-power to the greatest possible extent. As the number of the co-operating labourers increases, so too does their resistance to the domination of capital, and with it, the necessity for capital to overcome this resistance by counterpressure. The control exercised by the capitalist is not only a special function, due to the nature of the social labour-process, and peculiar to that process, but it is, at the same time, a function of the exploitation of a social labour-process, and is consequently rooted in the unavoidable antagonism between the exploiter and the living and labouring raw material he exploits.

    Again, in proportion to the increasing mass of the means of production, now no longer the property of the labourer, but of the capitalist, the necessity increases for some effective control over the proper application of those means. [15] Moreover, the co-operation of wage labourers is entirely brought about by the capital that employs them. Their union into one single productive body and the establishment of a connexion between their individual functions, are matters foreign and external to them, are not their own act, but the act of the capital that brings and keeps them together. Hence the connexion existing between their various labours appears to them, ideally, in the shape of a preconceived plan of the capitalist, and practically in the shape of the authority of the same capitalist, in the shape of the powerful will of another, who subjects their activity to his aims. If, then, the control of the capitalist is in substance two-fold by reason of the two-fold nature of the process of production itself, which, on the one hand, is a social process for producing use-values, on the other, a process for creating surplus-value in form that control is despotic. As co-operation extends its scale, this despotism takes forms peculiar to itself. Just as at first the capitalist is relieved from actual labour so soon as his capital has reached that minimum amount with which capitalist production, as such, begins, so now, he hands over the work of direct and constant supervision of the individual workmen, and groups of workmen, to a special kind of wage-labourer. An industrial army of workmen, under the command of a capitalist, requires, like a real army, officers (managers), and sergeants (foremen, overlookers), who, while the work is being done, command in the name of the capitalist. The work of supervision becomes their established and exclusive function. When comparing the mode of production of isolated peasants and artisans with production by slave-labour, the political economist counts this labour of superintendence among the faux frais of production. [16] But, when considering the capitalist mode of production, he, on the contrary, treats the work of control made necessary by the co-operative character of the labour-process as identical with the different work of control, necessitated by the capitalist character of that process and the antagonism of interests between capitalist and labourer.

    This excerpt tells us that the exploitation of productive labor on a large scale requires a “real army” to prevent workers from taking control due to the opposing interests between the capitalist and laborer. The excerpt tells us that this is a “special kind” of wage-labourer ie not a productive labourer, not working class. The excerpt tells use that this kind of laborer is “faux frais of production”, meaning that this person does not add value to production. The excerpt tells us that the role is the person is to control the antagonism of interests between the capitalist and working class.

    The class interest of police is aligned with the capitalist class interests. The class interest of the police is prevent the working class from gaining power. The police of the capitalist state exist to prevent socialism from happening.

    There is importance in understanding that cops are not working class because when you organize working class people, you have to be aware that the police will be working against you 100% of the time. It’s not a “moral reasoning”. It is materialist analysis.

    Part of gaining class consciousness is recognizing that your own productive capacity is being exploited. The capitalist takes value from what you create and gives you less than the value you generated. Cops do have productive capacity and are not exploited. Cops are part of the exploitation process.

  • I went to the repo manager and added a bunch of repos until I saw more up to date versions of VLC and other programs in the package manager, then used AntiX Updater again and said yes to the over 1,200 updates.

    Debian tells us that you should never add repositories to a Debian distro. It’s the first rule on the Don’t Break Debian page. “don’t make a franken-debian”

    Third party repositories could have malware or be compiled incorrectly for your system.

    Also 1200 package updates means that probably every package on your OS was replaced. Your computer reenacted the Ship of Theseus. There’s probably no AntiX left in your system.

  • He obviously said a lot more stuff during this period. He was arguing against Kamala supporters in his chat and saying that Democrats move further right ever political cycle. He also said some stuff like that America is in a state of collapse. I was going to type it out but then I realized that you could just go watch it for yourself.

    He has also been covering Gaza every day since October 7 and even many years before. I watched his coverage of Palestine during the Trump presidency.

    Your other comment in the thread you say that you would do things better and in this comment you posture that you have better analysis. Why are you inserting yourself into the situation? Why are you making this about yourself? That’s so narcissistic.