That’s really annoying to have enabled all the time, but might be useful for a “free-form” code refactoring that’s not just renaming variables.
That’s really annoying to have enabled all the time, but might be useful for a “free-form” code refactoring that’s not just renaming variables.
it’s turtles all the way regardless; but it’s much easier to handle side effects if you have more numerous but smaller functions.
I prefer that because fully reading a module or component is not the most common scenario. The most common use case of reading code is (or should be) not caring about most of the implementation details until you need to; only then you have to go down the rabbit hole.
Longer functions force the reader to understand most of their context every time they get there, a problem especially when the function has a bunch of local vars.
single use functions are fine; I often break 20+ line functions apart and it makes it easier to test and reason about, it’s not just to avoid comments: block comments are just a sign that the function might be getting too complex.
Same, that’s why I stopped using rethink a while ago, even though I loved it.
U-238 is very stable, the post should have picked Radium or Francium for example
I don’t think you can. But if it’s open source and popular, there might be a chance it will have a maintained fork should that happen.
Freemium feature creep might be a sign things are changing for the worst, as in, if more and more features are being added to the premium plan and the free version is stagnating; to the point the target public of the premium version is creeping to average users instead of aiming at commercial or power users.
overeducated people who can’t see that “master” has multiple meanings.
I can read it when the other person can write it
I may choose to use single or double quotes in specific cases and need that change to be visible, even if the language rules say it is indifferent
Then a semantic diff is not for you, just use the old method.
foolproof for now
The post chooses to use Python, where single and double quotes are equivalent and are not a semantic change. In other languages that might be, but that’s not the point of the article. A semantic diff is language dependent.
well, if you squint your eyes and look at it from a 30 degree angle, it still doesn’t
Same. And I was a Nova pro user years ago.
we should turn each other on
oh no, porn on the internet. Somebody hide the defenseless kids.
But it is. For malware checks though, not content validation.
Not 4y ago because I have the memory of a fish for the things I said.
But I’ll think of some shit I said 2 days ago, and I think that’s worse.