If you can’t do that, the people don’t want you.
If you can’t do that, it’s not democracy. It’s a charade to pacify to public and manufacture legitimacy for the current regime.
If you can’t do that, the people don’t want you.
If you can’t do that, it’s not democracy. It’s a charade to pacify to public and manufacture legitimacy for the current regime.
Oh yes, calling people dimwits will totally win them over.
Wow I’m glad I don’t watch MSNBC, that does sound truly sickening.
It looks like it’s relative to the 2004-2013 average, actually. Note the years listed at the bottom.
Marx did say that capitalism would produce its own gravediggers. This isn’t quite what he had in mind but…it’ll do I guess.
I’m not sure the incessant chorus of 'I told you so’s is really helping the cause.
Personally, I’m watching the dumpster fire from up on your hat, without any option to participate in your elections either way, but it’s still getting pretty grating. Surely, there’s a better strategy.
See: More than 100 BBC staff accuse broadcaster of Israel bias in Gaza coverage
They’re not trying to be fair, they’re trying to be pro-israel.
not run by a dictator
The catch here is that in the west, we label anyone anti-capitalist a dictator. You can be the very definition of dictatorial, but if you align with western interests, you’re just a “president” or a “leader” or something. But start nationalizing your oil industry and 🚨 dictator! dictator! 🚨
So yeah, within the bounds of the narrative that capitalism is the only way, you’ll find that capitalism is the only way, unsurprisingly. But the fact that this narrative is baked into us from childhood doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s aligned with reality.
You said “if you don’t want to be overweight, you have to eat carbs in moderation.” I am not doing that, and am not overweight.
If you’re going to word something as absolute, on the internet, you better be prepared for exceptions in reply.
Fat has more than double the calorie density, I’m not sure what you mean by “high carb food have more calories”.
I like to go to the bakery down the street and buy a loaf, then just eat the whole thing while it’s still fresh. I’m a scrawny little spitfuck.
Any restrictive diet can lead to weight loss, because you’re not allowed to eat the stuff you wanna eat, so you don’t eat as much.
If there’s nothing special about carbs (and I don’t think there is…) that’s what I’d call “debunked.”
If voting could dethrone the wealthy, they wouldn’t let us do it.
You’re so much more aware of your surroundings when walking or biking.
It’s funny how much more favorable the comments are on this compared donnie’s original comments.
Canadians on joining the US: “oh hell no!”
Americans on joining Canada: “me too please!”
Oh yeah, it’s just fun to imagine murdering a bunch of civilians, who have absolutely no say in whose oil just sailed into their harbour. Disgusting.
Would you rather buy Saudi oil? American oil? Yeah, like that’s any better.
Greenland, even though Denmark is blue.
We had to invent a new term to describe the racism of white south Africans, they’ve earned a little suspicion.
The whole finance sector only exists to give rich people free money.
You gotta finish em, Brucie!