Energy Pirate - no fan of anything - '05/65 - at CO2 Level 322 ppm. - Likes Snooker - NFL - Soccer - Doku - dark beer bavarian style - Argentina - good people - making things better (ungepflegte Textsammlung) - Schnauze voll von der Humorlosigkeit und der Verweigerung, den Verstand zu benutzen, also vom gesamten Verhalten der Linken, Rechten. Neo-Feudalisten und Autoritären.
Impossible! In a Cat-Human-Relation the cat always is the owner and the human the posession!
@paoloredaelli @informapirata @informatica Mille Grazie! I think as soon as a political organization tells you that society requires strict regulation, stronger laws and more control you know that those people give a shit on democracy.
@paoloredaelli @informapirata @informatica Communism, unchained Socialism, Fascism, Nazism, Absolutism, Authoritarism. At core they’re all the same crab.
@informapirata @informatica I agree on that view. But same time I’m sure the Chinese will not see it this way. Even if there is a kind of resurrection feeling about a lost past.
@paoloredaelli @informapirata @informatica Hm, I think stones and sand are OK.
@paoloredaelli @informapirata @informatica The Chinese leaders themselves will be happy to be identified ls fascists? Why?
@informapirata @informatica That’s true. But Fascism has a quite specific historic background. Italian concept based on antique Roman practising. Therefore I doubt that themselves realize their doing as fascism. We from outside can judge that way. But they will not.
@informapirata @informatica I see the similar structures and tactics, but I doubt they would see themselves as fascists.
@macfranc @scienza 👍