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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Wrote a paper on this for a network theory class back in college and came to pretty much the same conclusion. Pages tend to lead to “funnels” of similar general topics, such as Earth, science, etc. and they all make their way upward into philosophy, which is the study of thinking, since thinking is at its core how we perceive the world.

    Interestingly there’s two distances from philosophy that pages tend to hover around, the closer one of which is more full of technology and science stuff while the farther one is mostly places. It’s a pretty interesting deep dive

  • Man, I’d kill for a 3 day work week. I’m on a 9-80 schedule but also have to go into the office (1hr each way) 2 days a week, so I end up spending around 10 hours per day on avg Mon-Thurs and it’s absolutely miserable.

    Even just a 32 hour 4-day work week would be life changing. As is, I feel like I’m just wasting time half the time i spend working because I’m so burnt out that I’m not as productive as I would be otherwise.

    Good for you though. Glad to hear some employers are trying out something more conducive to how human beings actually function.

  • Hard agree. The whole “bigger responsibility justifies bigger paycheck” idea is bullshit when the executives are far more willing to save their own asses by fucking over employees than take a pay cut and only be able to afford 19 yachts this year.

    One executive making $50m/yr is equivalent to 500 employees making $100k/yr (a fairly decent salary). Is the work they do 500x more valuable than an average employee? Strongly doubt it. The whole system’s fucking ridiculous and it absolutely disproportionally screws over the average person.

  • Out of what we saw, the rabbit folk seemed like the coolest design to me. If people with antlers are a separate race from regular humans I think they could be pretty neat too, but I don’t think we really got a good look at them from the front at all.

    One thing I did notice was a conspicuous lack of a reptilian race. Really hope we get that - dragonfolk like kobolds and whatnot are staples of fantasy and don’t have an overtly human like design such as elves or dwarves, and given that it seems most of the races are anthropomorphic animals I think they’d fit in well.

    (Plus it wouldn’t be No Man’s Skyrim without the Lusty Argonian Maid!)

  • I feel ya. I’ve got the same thing. Luckily I’m still young and don’t have kids so I can at least adjust my schedule consistently, but man it sucks having to get up at 6 am on the weekends. The real frustrating bit is that I could totally get up 2 hours later if only I could WFH consistently. But corporate doesn’t like remote work so I have to go into the office at least 2 days a week to sit at a computer all day and program. Wonderful world we live in