I forget the brand but the bucket has a spinny wringer - almost looks like a salad spinner - with a foot pedal. I feel like it doesn’t work as well as a squeeze but it’s kinda fun to use!
I forget the brand but the bucket has a spinny wringer - almost looks like a salad spinner - with a foot pedal. I feel like it doesn’t work as well as a squeeze but it’s kinda fun to use!
I got your reference, for what it’s worth
by nature or by law?
Noah! Noah! Don’t put the xenia on your main rockwork! Noah!
Vanilla, chocolate, or doesn’t matter? I’m team vanilla.
Zorak approved
Time for the French Arkane to show the Texan Arkane the right way to do a vampire slaying game!
How bout those of us who forget to pick your meds up for a month and then need a new script written because controlled substance scripts only last for 30 days?
Each ticket assigns you a boarding group, A through C, say. Each boarding group has 60 people in it. When your boarding group is called (alphabetical order) you line up in order at the gate next to a sign that has your number on it. Passengers 1 - 30 of that group board, then when the last person gets on, 31 - 60 board. Everyone gets to choose their own seat, meaning the later you board the more likely you’re going to be in the back in a center (not aisle or window) seat, so boarding slows down tremendously by the last few boarding groups.
Please drink verification can to continue
Link to the fan mission? I’ve been getting my annual itch to go back to The City
Said he had to stomp each key individually, to prevent electrical “infetterence.” I don’t even think that’s a word.
Which mangaka wrote that graph’s x axis?