The goal for management is to pass the blame on to consultants. “We” didn’t make this choice, the consultant did.
The goal for management is to pass the blame on to consultants. “We” didn’t make this choice, the consultant did.
I’ve never understood why we need straws. I get it for a milkshake but I don’t understand why a restaurant gives me a glass with a straw in it. Do people use straws at home?
“There’s a couple kinks in that slinky” 😭
Please do not forget that republicans have been actively disenfranchising voters and making it hard to vote. Not everyone who didn’t vote “sat out”; they were literally unable to vote.
How’s battery life?
I am also interested in an egpu but not for gaming, just for running local AI models. Has anyone had any experience with this?
Whiskey + black metal
Yes. Monitoring GitHub for releases is great (especially if the project posts change logs). Also, if you are a developer and need to monitor library updates for any deps you app might have, many of those sites also have rss feeds. For example: https://libraries.io/
I’m at my laptop all day for work so I use it on my laptop, desktop, and phone so syncing is important. Since it support Google reader api, there are a ton of different clients for it too.
I’ve also set my wife up with her own account and it makes sharing articles and feeds with her easy.
I’m a big self hoster and already have an environment set up for it. I don’t know if it is worth setting up servers and vpns and security just for rss.
I use self hosted FreshRSS. I has:
It is by far the best way to get updates about just the things you care about.
I was at the airport and there was an NBA game on tv and on another tv were Disney characters playing basketball. It took me a while to realize it was the same game.
As a software developer (previously game developer) I was very impressed with how good the tracking was. Not just position, but complicated moves, dribbling the ball between their legs, facial animations, everything with less than a 10 second lag.
The Disney version was way more fun to watch.
In thunderbird there is an option to always add your own email to the bcc list. This will put all your replies directly into your inbox and thread them correctly in the conversation.
That’s a start. How about also 100+% tax on any properties that aren’t primary residencies?
This is disgusting. Fortunately my spouse saw the writing on the wall during covid and has left the profession.
It shocks me that we have let huge businesses monopolize all of our hospitals and health care industries.
We are fortunate where I live that the major university runs the bigger hospital, as all the private ones are running like an airline service, over charging, hiring unqualified people, and only looking at the next quarters profits.
I mean joining Mexico sounds better than continuing to let Alabama be Alabama. We’d probably improve our public health, public transit, and healthcare options.
Maybe we could finally get rid of our racist, shitty constitution from the early 1900s (longest constitution in the world!)
I was using freshrss which can grab the rad feed for a channel, but I’ve moved to tube archivist with a Jellyfin plugin. Now they are all predownloaded and just show up on my tv via Jellyfin app.
It’s a way better way to keep track of what you want to watch.
Yes but not as a percentage of their income. A wealthy person with 100000x your income does not buy 100000x times as much stuff as you.
This is the problem with a flat tax. If we had a flat 20% tax on income for someone who makes 50k a year, that is 10k and leaves them with only 40k. For someone who makes 5M a year that is 1M but still leaves them with 4M.
Losing that 10k when you only had 50k to start with matters a lot. Losing that 1M isn’t a big deal when you still have 4M left!
Power Metal:
Blind Guardian - Nightfall on Middle Earth is all Tolkien mythology Rhapsody of Fire was created their own middle earth inspired lore and all albums are chapters in it
Black Metal:
Summoning is all about Tolkien mythology including some songs in Elvish.
“On Windows the system wakes up when connected or disconnected from an AC adapter. On Linux the system will momentarily wake up but immediately go back into suspend.”
Not sure I like the idea of changing to windows behavior. My Linux laptop is often charging and sleeping and I unplug it and throw it in my bag to go somewhere. I’ll have to get used to resuspending it first.