No, as there are clearly many non lgbtq subs banned
No, as there are clearly many non lgbtq subs banned
Nah, sie waren früher bei Funk, seit einigen Jahren aber nicht mehr, da sie sich eingeengt fühlten und keine Werbung für ihre andere Projekte machen durften (YT, engl.: fern. Und Podcast “Unfassbar”, YT 2. Kanal: 2BoredGuys)
Hab volles Vertrauen in sie und ihren unabhängigen Journalismus.
Die Partner auf der Webseite sind Recherchepartner, sie hatten z.T. Investigativreportagen mit den ÖRs
He made the book for a child in hid family without the intent of publishing it originally
I still remember the soup standing ontop of the grave of the boy that didnt want to eat and so he just died. Also how thin he was in the last drawing of him. It was haunting.
After 4 days he was “as thin as a thread”.
Isnt libreoffice for the .odt format? I read that .odt and docx arent compatible and I really dont want to convert my whole documents collection nor deal with broken/rearranged content when editing documents. I went with Onlyoffice but am only 80% satisfied with it
Havent heard about this either. But I live in Switzerland, so I’am quite confident the newssites and agencies were occupied with covering all the shit that went down during inauguartion and the few days before and after it. Plus our Europe and National and Regional news. So I am not really surprised to missing it.
I use an Browser Addon that searches for RSS feeds, still a bit finiky sometimes but still better than manually guessing URLs
Ich vermisse die Zeit von selber gehosteten Websites und RSS Feeds.
Story is two years old apparently
Hab mal ein Design-Analyse Video gesehen das erklärte, dass diese Swooshes/Schwenker in den frühen 2000 (glaube ich) sehr in Mode waren und die meisten Logos in diesem Stilelement dann entstanden sind.
That scene is pure gold
If you have a solid torrent setup and a few hundred GBs of free space, you can support Annas Archive by seeding big chunks of the books.
They have massive funds, a few years ago I researched both the worldwide and (my) national wiki foundation. Very transparent. So just don’t expect your money going to the text based wiki (which is smaller than a TB btw).
They will probably invest in wiki related projects like wikimedia, wiktionary and so on.
Turns out, the teachers just do their job. And most of the time just the bare minimum, just like almost everyone else.
And if you want to teach and a student is a pain and hindering/distracting everyone else, then you kinda have to intervene. If the student isn’t motivated/concentrated its easy for the teacher to just say that the student doesnt wanna learn so he gets just bad grades.
At least thats how I see it sometimes.
Ich hatte ne ähnliche Story mit der Zahnfee, die die ausgefallenen Zähne unterm Kopfkissen mit Münzen tauschte
Local Send and Quick Share is the answer
Ok, I never dug so deep, I just really like the design, I did not know (or forgot) their ambicious/overblown claims
Lexend Deca for me. A mix of a dyslexoc-font, Arial and a bit of the roundness of Comic Sans. (Sorry, probably bad examples, am no font nerd)
Was ich das Gefühl habe ist, dass Zähne extrem unterschiedlich anfällig sind. Einerseits wegen der Genetik und andererseits wegen verschiedenen Lebensstil. Deshalb denke ich, dass es die einen als Scam sehen, während andere die Wichtigkeit darin sehen, da sie es selber brauchen und sonst mit Schmerzen dastehen.
Total hatte ich schon mehr als 6 Löcher/Füllungen wegen Karies. Und das trotz langjähriger Kieferorthopädie-Besuchen zusätzlich zu den jährlichen Kontrollen, sowie täglich 2-3x Zähneputzen seit ich denken kann. Andere Leute in meinem Umfeld: Zähneputzen vor dem Frühstück (?!), dann erst am Abend wieder. Alle paar Jahre zur Kontrolle, mehr Zuckerkonsum, trotzdem noch nie ein Loch…
I understand that “Regierung” (government) = executive branch “Parlament” (parliament, in the US congress+senate) = legislative branch
“Staat” (state) is an imprecise word as it can mean different things https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Staat https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/State https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_(polity) (see Definition)