• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • I don’t even disagree with you. However…

    There are thousands of people at home with access to privileged information and they have never heard of a KVM switch. It’s insane how blind to reality some people here are. If you have never been in an online meeting where a participant had their camera off, mic on, was AFK, and their child fucked around on the laptop, because they never lock it, then you really have no fucking idea about security at scale.

    Just because some people here love to work from home, doesn’t mean it applies to an entire corporation as large as Amazon

  • The Internet is not supposed to be a source of happiness, that’s a sell by some platforms you should never buy into. The Internet is a source of information, and information will not make you happy.

    Gaming, social media, or most other online interaction, is ultimately masturbation. It feels good for the moment, but it doesn’t last; you have nothing to look back on but Steam achievements or vacant profiles on a dead platform at the end.

    If you’re suffering from depression, you likely can’t work yourself out of it through your own actions alone. Seek support. Things will not improve otherwise.

  • I’m not talking about myself in your last quote. I consult clients on their operational and technological challenges. I see a lot. Of course, you might also consult similar amounts of clients and you can see that their largest deficit contributor is that people aren’t taking their work home, but that’s not what I’m getting from you.

    You just seem angry, because you can’t stomach that there are valid reasons for you to move out of your comfort zone. Sorry.

  • So how did those laptops get stolen? Would that have been possible if their users worked on a local client at the office?

    Rocket science is a fucking joke compared to secure IT practices. You saying that, proves that you know neither well enough to participate in this discourse. Most users would operate more securely if their client device was also physically restricted. If you don’t understand that, that’s the reason you are not making decisions. I’m sorry to be so blunt.

    There are highly capable technical people that can securely work from home, but this is not the average user. If you don’t recognize that, you are probably just cheering for your own personal comfort right now. I get comfort, but don’t be blind to reality

  • Just because you can perform a job from home, doesn’t mean it’s ideal for performance. With jobs like surgeons or bus drivers it’s more obvious, but the cut is not as clear as people like it to be.

    I would hope it doesn’t take you long to imagine someone who has access to information about you where you would prefer it not be open on their laptop on their kitchen table at home while guests are around.

    I’m not trying to defend Amazon. This is an active subject at many companies.

  • Fake Amazon reviews is a service you can buy to boost your product. Using genAI is an obvious move for these providers. Makes it harder for Amazon to find the fakes, because they can generate more content variety.

    When you run a botnet for such a service, you can’t only put 5 star reviews on your client’s products. You want a variety of usage pattern modifiers to stay below the radar. Putting reviews on semi-random products is one technique.