• 33 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • Existing one or on a topic of my choice?

    If I had to teach an existing one it would probably be sport, since as a reasonably fit person with a decent understanding on how to train in a healthy way it would probably be the one where I could come closest to providing a similar level to a real teacher. Otherwise maybe sociology? Think I could do a decent job there aswell.

    If I could make my own it would probably be personal finance. Because I think here in Germany education on this topic is basically non existent. And there is so much money wasted on bad financial products and wrong decisions, that giving everyone some basic lessons would have a huge positive effect.

  • In favour of better competition I would actually argue the exact opposite at this point.

    On the design side in the x86 space it’s a duopoly with AMD so even though Intel still has good market share due to their past, a weaker Intel means more power for AMD. And we shouldn’t fool ourselves that they wouldn’t use it for their own gains just like Intel did in the past.

    In a broader sense for server chips in general having those engineers at Qualcomm rather than Intel might help might help arm adoption. But that space at least already has some more players than x86. With hyperscalers like Amazon developing their own CPUs, Ampere, or Nvidia planning to enter the space.

    And most importantly as long as design and fab aren’t separated at Intel having one do worse also affects the other side. And the competition is already thin in that space as is, with much much higher barriers to entry for any new competition compared to chip design.

  • The fact some gets through is less relevant than the overall price that is lowered moscovia gets.

    My understanding is that it isn’t just a bug that some gets through, but a feature. We do want/need at least some of the oil on the world market, we just don’t want Russia to profit from it. That’s the whole idea behind having a price cap rather than sanctions that directly target and prevent anyone buying their oil.

  • I found the basic information about the cost comparison interesting, but the article is let down by the somewhat clickbaity headline.

    As the article itself quotes the ecomony ministry, the terminals initial purpose was more akin to insurance. And it most certainly paid off by providing indirect value from providing supply security and through that providing stability and preventing surge prices.

    That said with more information available now i hope we are not continuing with further terminals considering the marktet doesn’t seem to need them anymore. And i also hope we didn’t commit to any contracts that force us to do so or pay huge fines, something i can definitely see politicians having done.

    Some other thoughts:

    I am supirised to see just how large the difference in variable cost for regasification is. But to put it into meaningful context i’d also need to know the fixed costs that presumably exist and what percentage those represent. Because if it’s 1€/MWh difference in variable cost and fixed costs are 100€/MWh then that would be minor minor in comparison, wheareas it would be massive if those fixed costs were say 10€/MWh. But i assume that even small differences could be meaningful, if it is a high volume, low margin business.

    Another aspect i’d have liked to know is the country of each terminal, especially the cheapest ones. “Spain TVB” presumably is in Spain. But if i remember correctly from reporting during the initial supply shock in 2022, there was very limited pipeline capacity between spain and france (and through that the rest of europe). So those impressively low costs and capacity wouldn’t really matter for those markets, since transfer isn’t/wasn’t possible.

    Edit: also at established terminals are there any adjacent businesses that can utilize the temperature difference? It would seem like a waste to not only throw away, but even pay to heat up the liquefied gas, when in other settings we are using a lot of effort to cool things down.

  • Yep, that’s pretty much the gist of it. Driver overhead isn’t something completely new, but with the B580 it certainly is so high that it becomes a massive problem in exactly the use case where it would make the most sense.

    Another albeit smaller issue is the idle power draw. Here is a chart (taken from this article)

    Because for a honest value evaluation that also plays a role, especially for anyone planning to use the card for a long time. Peak power draw doesn’t matter as much imo, since most of us will not push their system to its limit for a majority of the time. But idle power draw does add up over time. It also imo kind of kills it as a product for the second niche use besides budget oriented games, which would be for use in a homelab setting for stuff like video transcoding.

    So as much as i am honestly rooting for Intel and think they are actually making really good progress in entering such a difficult market, this isn’t it yet. Maybe third time’s the charm.

  • gollitoTechnology@lemmy.worldDell kills the XPS brand
    10 days ago

    I never really understood the purpose of the XPS line anyway.

    The issue here is that you are comparing it to their business lineup, while it was a consumer product.

    Dell XPS (“Extreme Performance System”) is a line of consumer-oriented laptop and desktop computers manufactured by Dell since 1993.

    My understanding is that it was their premium consumer line sitting above the more entry level Inspiron line.

  • Ganz davon abgesehen, dass wir uns den Luxus bspw. in NRW nicht mehr leisten können, dass dieses Fach (und Philosophie) als einziges Fach der Fächergruppe 2 in jedem (!) Schuljahr der Sek I zweistündig unterrichtet wird (das sind 12 Std. insgesamf ggü. bspw. 7 Stunden Geographie).

    Hier stimme ich dir absolut zu. Ich denke da könnte man gut ansetzen und in der Mitte ein paar Jahre auslassen. In der Grundschule die Basics über alle Religionen, woher bestimmte Traditionen kommen usw. Und dann nochmal etwas später eine kritischere Außeinandersetzung mit den Inhalten.

    Nein, das reicht nicht. Das Grundproblem ist Kirche in Schule. Du kannst diese Dinge auch in einem Philosophie-/Ethikunterricht vermitteln, ohne dass die Kirche Inhalte alleine bestimmen, Lehrkräfte als einzige externe Institution prüfen oder Lehrbefähigungen z.B. bei Scheidung und Wiederheirat entziehen kann. Insbesondere die katholische Kirche hat ihr Recht mehrfach verwirkt, eine moralische Institution zu sein, die nach Nazideutschland einen Fuß in der Bildung hat.

    Hier würde ich dir insoweit zustimmen, dass ein guter Philosophie-/Ethikunterricht ähnliche Inhalte neutraler und oft besser vermitteln könnte. Mein einziger Vorbehalt ist, dass Religion nicht einfach verschwinden wird, wenn man sie aus der Schule drängt. Wenn der Religionsunterricht anschließend durch unkontrollierten Nachmittagsangebote hinter verschlossenen Türen stattfindet, dann ist das denke ich sehrviel problematischer.

    Ich glaube z.B. wir ständen besser da, wenn es equivalent zum christlichen auch muslimischen Religionsunterricht in ähnlicher qualität gäbe. Also mit ordentlicher Ausbildung, kontrollierten Lehrplänen und so weiter. Wobei hierfür glaube ich alleine schon ein ordentlicher Institutioneller Partner (also nicht sowas wie Ditib) auf muslimischer Seite fehlt mit dem man soetwas aufziehen könnte.

  • gollitoTechnology@lemmy.worldDell kills the XPS brand
    11 days ago

    Imo this kind of shows the basic problem with the xps line. As I understand it it was basically the premium consumer line, not something meant for business use. Meaning it had the nice specs on paper, but not the durability you’d need in a setting with extensive use and where downtime means serious money. But as you demonstrate this distinction was too blurry.

  • gollitoTechnology@lemmy.worldDell kills the XPS brand
    11 days ago

    Yeah, sadly everything has to sound fancy. Imo this is partially to blame on consumers, but I do wonder how much of it is basic psychology vs induced demand that could be reversed if a company would stick with sensible product names for a while.

    Instead of basic they could also go with something like “essential” or “home” that maybe have slightly less negative associations.

  • Honestly, while I don’t mind legal proceedings against Elon, the best thing the EU or any European government could do would be to start using alternatives to Twitter.

    If they’d spin up their own mastodon instance and politicians, institutions and parties would start exclusively posting their statements there, then journalists would have to follow them and news organisations would also start linking those instead.

    Twitter isn’t as big here anyways, but doing that could imo make it even less so.