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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


    • Tap dancing
    • Ballet
    • Running
    • Cooking
    • Baking
    • Cake & cookie decorating
    • Drawing
    • Painting (physically? and digitally)
    • Knitting
    • Crocheting
    • Sewing
    • Origami
    • Woodworking
    • Makeup
    • Nail art
    • Guitar

    Not exactly hobbies, but niche topics I got randomly intrigued by and have watched dozens and in some cases hundreds of hours on:

    • Deaf culture (but not attempting to learn ASL)
    • Ex-mormons (Not religious and no relation to mormonism lol)
    • Religious fundamentalism & cults
    • Therapists breaking down reality television
    • Legal analyses & breakdowns of high profile and/or pop culture lawsuits and trials

  • Vyvanse is also having a shortage, caused in part by people not being able to get Adderall switching over. It’s not as bad as it was a few months ago (we called around and couldn’t find a pharmacy with a 30 day supply within a 2 hour radius) but they’re still having trouble getting enough, especially at the higher doses. Source: I literally talked to a pharmacist about this today when I went to pick up my other random-ass stimulant. My doctor told me to just keep asking them about it every month haha.

  • Man, where does everyone in the comments live that it still works like this? Where I’m at, they basically have attempted to replace like 90% of cashier jobs with these machines. There is often either no cashier at all, or one single cashier with like 5 people in their line, each with shopping carts filled to the brim.

    The self checkout lines routinely reach lines of 10+ people with many old people who struggle using the machines forced to use them and gumming up the operations more. I avoid going to the grocery store like the plague during any kind of higher traffic time because I don’t want to wait in line for 15 mins.

    Other issue with self checkout machines is that some places (Kroger, looking at you) weigh the bag every time you scan an item before you can scan the next, which makes things go soooooo slow.

  • Thankfully, Biden’s new IDR plan (“SAVE”) waives any additional accrued interest for the month after you’ve made your minimum payment (even if it’s $0.) This fixes the pretty massive flaw in the IDR plans that were allowing loans to grow out of control, despite payments made on them. As if people barely scraping by will not be unduly burdened by an even more massive debt if they ever manage to claw their way out of the low wage hole. Personally, after a long stretch of unemployment and low-wage jobs, I had like 5 years of payments under my belt and my loan had grown by 25%. Lol… Still hurts to think about even though I’m doing much better these days.

    FYI, idk if anything will actually come of it, but Biden is now trying to do a more targeted loan forgiveness and one of the groups he is targeting are those who owe more than their initial loans. So, I guess we’ll see what happens.

  • Right? As an adult I couldn’t get on the wrong flight if I tried. It’s baffling that they wouldn’t need to scan a wristband or ticket or whatever for an unaccompanied minor to 1) confirm & document their presence on the plane like everyone else and 2) make sure they are sent to the right fucking place. Also confusing because you’d think that when the first staff member shows up to the wrong gate with the kid and tries to hand them off, the flight crew would be like “wtf are you talking about, we dont have an unaccompanied minor schesuled on this flight?” I get that people make mistakes but this isn’t some shit like accidentally “replying all” to an email distribution list. It’s hard to fathom how something like this could happen if even the most basic and common sense procedures were followed.

  • half_fiction@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoBread@lemmy.caCoconut Milk Bread: Pani Popo
    7 months ago

    Why are you being so needlessly judgy? Maybe they have more money coming that will allow them to comfortably pay the electric bill by the time it comes. Maybe they wanted a special meal and buying & slow cooking the pork is how they budgeted their money. We have no idea about OP’s circumstances and frankly, it sucks that you felt the need to comment on how they’re doing everything wrong. They were excited about their ingenuity in the face of difficult circumstances and just trying to share something they were proud of with the community.

    (Btw, I was curious so I did some googling and using this guy’s sample numbers, a 36 hr cook would use around $0.60usd in electricity. So changing cooking methods is not really an effective way here to save money.)