More importantly, not understand things and then comment on them like he is the real shit
More importantly, not understand things and then comment on them like he is the real shit
dis what you get for working with 19 year old kids with inflated egos whom you only hired to worship you. Also when someone who is not an expert in a field has the confidence to make grand claims about practices in that field, it is a very nice litmus paper telling you that person is generally bullshitting.
I find that obsessing over killing a boss as under-levelled is a much better teacher of game mechanics because you need to exploit it to its full extent and stretch the physics engine to its limits
instead of spending 30 minutes to level up I will instead spend 30 minutes save loading
makes you wonder what the reply would have been like 10 years ago. probably something along the lines “just breathing the same air as you already makes me feel stupider…”
Nope Main branches will be renamed Daddy
- did you try reinstalling windows?
know what is funnier, wasnt sure %100 that it was fake
wow such enthusiastic ass kissers. “Am I kissing hard enough Daddy? Will you let me run rampant and monopolize on tech Daddy?”
I don’t think I will ever get tired of this:
I just went through this phase recently in Planescape Torment to see all the possible endings. Had to endure TTO boast about itself at least five times.
wanting to be a billionaire should be classified as a mental disease, some sort of power addiction
even if they do get punished it will just be a fine which is like a pocket change for them
did you try choosing harder?
translation starting from top:
Rick buddy… Dont mean to intrude in your business but the Turk in this scenario is kind of absurd. Maybe you should change it for the sake of the story’s integrity.
No I did it on purpose. They get excited and pay more attention to the film. Lets keep it as it is.
Skati (Scotty pronounced using Turkish phonetics) bought the goods from a Turk in Istanbul boss.
Oh Shit! He said Istanbul ehe ehe.
yes, he will. by advising people to drink raw milk…
Elon should sue himself for defaming himself