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  • 13 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 28th, 2024


  • you keep acting like the 1988 upheaval made the south a nearly perfect utopia and pretend like any criticism of the south is now unwarranted and only done by bad-faith actors.

    you didnt source any of your claims btw and still expect to be hailed as the harbinger of truth, while pretty much all of your argumentation has been a mix of shifting the goalposts, concern trolling and outright falsifications of what others are saying. fucking tsargrad tv has more intellectual honesty than you.


  • for a person claiming to be this principled against supposed “lies” you sure do make a lot of shit up about other people. never have i claimed that the rok has achieved absolutely zero progress, this would be absurd. yet you, the supposed beacon of honesty, simply invent such statements of me.

    you continue to confuse, at this point probably willfully so, the justified admiration for the 1988 revolution with respect for the decrepit south korean puppet regime. to use an analogy: every leftist will admire the heroism of the 1789 revolution in france, but that doesnt make the french dictatorship of the bourgeoisie any less horrible. leftists recognize that things are progressive or reactionary in the context of their material conditions.

    you on the other hand use right-wing liberal logic at best and end up sounding like piłsudski rallying against the bolsheviks. have you even read socialist theory? are you member of a party?

    and you really dont get how all this makes you sound like chosun ilbo?

  • first ever activity on this account

    immediately assumes bad faith and uses language right out of chosun ilbo

    completely unsourced

    yeah thats not suspicious at all…

    first of all, ive visited seoul in 2007 and saw the misery of gulyongma-eul with my own two eyes. ive seen that the bagkaseu halmeoni are in fact a real thing. and ive noticed the inescapable presence of western evangelical churches and other similar monuments of neocolonialism. even in more “economically fortunate” areas of the city most people did not seem happy. and i mean, ive been desensitized to a lot of shit due to my own countries utter economic collapse in the 1990s, but what i saw there was an incredibly sick and disgusting society that lacked even the most basic fundamentals of human dignity.

    you also for some reason decided to point out that the colonial masters you bootlick have an even higher rate of homelessness than your “country”. but how is this of any relevance to the discussion? congratulations, the denizens of the system your society is trying to imitate are having it even worse. but this doesnt make your problems magically go away.

    you then proceed to claim that the suicide rate in the rok has been falling recently. this is a lie: according to the world health organization and the korean national statistical office, the number of suicides in south korea since your supposed democratization in 1988 (a great “democracy” that allows for people like bag-geun-hye or yunseog-yeol to be president and for jaebeols to control domestic policy) is as follows:

    • 1988: 4,879
    • 1990s: The average annual number of suicides was around 6,000-7,000.
    • 2000s: The average annual number of suicides increased to around 10,000-12,000.
    • 2010s: The average annual number of suicides was around 13,000-15,000.

    furthermore you somehow manage to accuse me of minimizing the accomplishments of the 1988 revolution. this is an absurd fucking accusation that you invented out of thin air while somehow wanting to accuse me of being dishonest. on the contrary! it is your government that is sweeping the role of certain leftist components of the protest movement under the rug, since they dont fit into the puppet regimes worldview. and yes, 1988 is recent compared to 1947. learn how time works, liberast.

    the "no-lights"-photo in question

    ::: has long since been proven to bee debunked, hell ive included a photographic rebuttal in my original post. stop denying reality if it doesnt suit you. power outages are also a thing in eastern europe, yet there arent equivalent photos circulating online.

    your assertion that nothing coming out of the dprk can be trusted, since the eeevil commies are supposedly restricting the flow of information just sounds like hilarious anti-communist cope to me. im really starting to question myself why i am even justifying myself in front of a moron like you.