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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Well it looks like I won’t be taking that half day off this week. Two regular staff out of five being on leave near EOFY is a bit much… luckily one gets back next week. Annoyingly, I have some stupid site visits scheduled for Monday that I can’t get out of. I really wanted to take that day off. I’ll see if I can put off the reports for them for later in the week and leave early Monday otherwise I’ll never get onto the shit I need to do asap. And try and get some extensions on stuff that the returning colleague can pick up on so I can clear all that this week.

    I am Tired. Glad that past me bought some frozen veg for a quick cheap healthy dinner on days like today.

  • Thanks for all the lovely wishes you guys 🥲 I had a long day at work which isn’t how I usually like to spend it - but it was a really good day nevertheless; I got a free bun quietly added to my bag at the bakery on my walk to work, my colleagues utterly spoiled me with gifts, had a few wins, and I treated myself to Inside Out 2 which was awesome (if a little pat near the end). So many emotions thinking about how it’s been so hard to accept parts of myself. It’s just the film I needed to feel more accepting about where I’m at and less torn up about where my sense of self and core values went…

  • I’m going to watch Inside Out 2 tomorrow, I’ve decided. To prepare I just rewatched Inside Out at home and honestly every time I fall in love with it all over again. It’s one of the best ever films I’ve watched, period.

    This is no mere kid’s film, it’s a goddamn psychology class and therapy rolled into one. It brings me to tears, every time (and this must be the fifth time at least). And every time i notice new details, and events of the film have new meaning…

    rambling because seriously guys i love this film

    This is the first time I’ve watched it post lockdown and I was honestly ugly crying at the point when Joy realises Sadness needed to take over. I mean i cry at that point every time anyway (also when Sadness sits next to Bing Bong and just listens). But this time it hit so much harder after the huge events of past years: the loss of friends, the irreversible life changes, isolation, the realisation that some joyful parts of the past are truly over and can’t drive us any more, and have to be let go to move on to new joy, the sadness taking over happy memories, the rebuilding of new networks by letting emotions blend, and of course one of the big morals of the story - don’t keep trying to push through and be happy all the time, embrace the difficult feelings or everything starts breaking down. Deny sadness and you get locked out of your brain with depression.

    This film has meant so much to me over the years because I’ve always been Sadness - Negative Nelly, Debbie Downer, the character in the film to a tee - and both hated and defended that fact fiercely growing up. This was honestly the first film that gave me the permission to embrace it and be proud of it - especially the mum having Sadness running the show with empathy, it was the first time I truly understood who I could become rather than forcing myself to be someone else.

    I can’t get over how the creators weaved these personal experiences we’ve all had and actual psychological concepts into such vivid, coherent, playful imagery that doesn’t just track as a very entertaining kid’s adventure film but also as an incredibly creative and powerful metaphoric film for all ages. I could watch it every year til I die, honestly.

    Of course I don’t have such high hopes for the sequel. But I can’t not watch it when the original means so much to me. ❤️‍🩹

  • Caught Perfect Days with a friend, I went in wanting to diss it tbh but came out generally enjoying it, it didn’t romanticise menial worker life in Japan as much as I expected it to and I enjoy that it didn’t infantilise the viewers. Good one to watch on the big screen and soak up the Vibes.

    Procrastinating big time on some study items that I have to put my big girl pants on and do because nobody else will and it’s self structured so up to me to figure out… So of course I end up mopping the floors which I’ve been putting off for months. It’s good though, because the house has now got a real clean energy.

    Dinner, and then I’m going to just sit in front of my laptop and force myself to read some journal articles to get the ball rolling at least.