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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • I feel that choice paralysis a lot. My reading moods fluctuate, so sometimes I want to read one genre or sometimes another, but I also have a massive TBR so I struggle determining what book I should read. I’ve learned to just let myself start something, and if it doesn’t work out, then I can stop and maybe pick it back up later. For instance, I just finished Prince of Thorns by Mark Lawrence, a book that I had tried to read three times prior. This was the first time my interest stuck, and now I am finishing the trilogy. But getting over that initial hurdle of “what should I read” can be difficult.

  • I figured. I got to the part where they captured a woman and she sort of starved to death. They weren’t doing anything evil intentionally; she was completely foreign to their way of life. I assumed the ending would revolve around learning from each other or cohabitation - some type of mutual respect. Maybe not. I’ll get back into it. I have the audiobook on my waitlist for the library.

  • Yeah, I figured Mars would be an underground territory since that seems to be where any nutrients might be anyway. Trying to form an atmosphere there suitable for life is likely impossible, but cave cities would be theoretically doable.

    Although I don’t know how I feel about terraforming other planets in general. Humans have destroyed this one so much that I feel like giving us another is akin to not teaching a child not to destroy their stuff. On the other hand, it would just be cool to see what humans have accomplished.