They don’t care.
This entire debate relies on the assumption that they have any respect for the law. Nobody, literally not a single person in that administration will be held accountable for breaking the law.
They’ll try 200 different laws, orders, whatever. 180 of them will be declared illegal. And then what? Nothing. No punishment at all.
And they’ll try again and again and again. Slowly eroding the entire government.
So in that thinking, Wikipedia is not open source, if the editor used a proprietary browser?
Maybe you should try not to act like a complete asshole. You’re pedantic in all the wrong places and extremely arrogant. I know, living in your lonely world makes a bitter person, but you’re still wrong and you’re still an asshole.
The model is MIT licensed.
Of course you’re free to go full Stallman, but that’s an open source license.
Asking obviously doesn’t hurt, but usually the laptops aren’t even technically property of the company but leased and given back after some years.
And even if your company actually owns the laptops, there’s likely a bureaucratic nightmare lurking because a laptop with potentially critical information on it is missing.
I know of a company where the IT guy “accidentally” sent a mail to everyone that the old hardware is sitting in a hallway waiting for the recycler.
Nobody has the intention to build a wall eat the rich.
You know what it’s called if you get a disease?
Think about it.
Even if they greatly underreported costs and their services are banned: the models are out there, open source and way more efficient than anything Meta and OpenAI could produce.
So it’s pretty obvious that the tech giants are burning money for mediocre output.
Cattle cars, obviously.
In all of these countries the moderate parties failed the people.
Globally, there was a slow redistribution away from the middle and working class since the 70s. Moderate parties were complacent or compliant, they got a few vanity projects in place, but overall just administered the status quo.
Now we’re at a point where the theft of wealth reached a level that seriously threatens the livelihoods of ordinary people. I can’t speak for other countries, but Germany is simultaneously grinding to a halt and falling apart. It’s scary.
The left has no answers, unfortunately. They’re busy with identity politics and academic debates and nothing. Trans issues for example are in themselves important, but if you’re a worker who doesn’t know how to pay rent, a left party that puts trans issues at the top of their priorities isn’t exactly super appealing.
The moderates failed at preventing the downfall. The lefties are busy addressing niche issues and ignoring issues that don’t fit their view.
The alternative is a far right that doesn’t even hide behind nice words, just hate hate hate. And even though their program would fuck most of their voters, hate prevails.
change my mind!
It’s not social media, it’s media.
Social media are somewhat faster, but if you watch TV or read news here in Germany, the discussions there and reality on the have almost zero connection. We’re discussing completely absurd proposals to deport refugees, while most people are much more afraid of their landlords or can’t get a doctor’s appointment.
The media completely fails at questioning power. They’re just repeating what politicians say or demand, knowing that 90% of that is straight up against the constitution.
Also just being liked by the interviewer. For my current job I had an interview of about 90min, and basically just had a rather one-sided chat with the two guys. They seemed to like me, just let me talk and the next day I had the contract draft in my email.
I certainly did not excel at anything during the interview.
Germany (or more specifically, Berlin) lost potentially hundreds of covid cases during the height of the pandemic because the fax ran out of paper.
Again, how many people does that affect in relation to food delivery?
Hardly any of your statements make any sense. Are you honestly suggesting that people order food specifically to maintain their medications schedule for medication that has to be taken with food? Really?
Do you really for real think that all these people are physically unable to have, well, a fridge? That’s absurd.
You’re trying to justify being drunk. Maybe that’s why you’re so angry.
And you really think so many people are on these medications that they make up a serious percentage of the market share?
How do all those people get to work on their medication?
I’m 98% sure this is a lie told by marketing agencies who base it on biased research.
Rearranging a store means closing it for often days, investing in additional staff hours, contractors, etc., having the staff work slower for the next week until they get the hang of the new structure.
And the result is two people buying a pack of butter more during the next week?
And think about it, that scheme only works for customers who already know the store. So they’re regulars. If they buy more butter this week, they’ll buy less butter next week - because they still have butter.
How about, you know, a grocery store?
Normal people have a stocked fridge and are not constantly drunk.
If being drunk seriously affects your shopping schedule, you have an alcohol problem.
Did you watch too many NCIS episodes?