macerated_baby_presidents [he/him]

  • 25 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 29th, 2023


  • Bicycle deaths per mile: ~10 per 100M miles Motorcycle deaths per mile: ~20 per 100M miles

    IMO this shows that they’re more dangerous, but primarily because you can go a lot further on a motorcycle. Basically 100% of the danger from riding a bicycle comes from cars. In contrast, it’s quite practical to kill yourself on a motorcycle without external intervention. So, if you have already chosen a mode of transportation, behavioral choices on a motorcycle offer much more control over where you fall within that mode’s risk spectrum. Wearing a helmet and taking a class make way more difference on a motorcycle, and that’s borne out by the contributing factors to fatal accidents /u/nat_turner_overdrive has posted elsewhere in the thread. Seems quite possible that the per-mile risk of a motorcycle rider doing everything right is comparable to that of the average bicyclist. Biking in cities is stupid dangerous of course, every cyclist I know has been hit, but that’s a problem with cars not an intrinsic thing.

  • IMO no, for two reasons:

    • reading code is harder than writing it. If the AI writes you a standard implementation, you still have to read it to make sure it’s correct. So that’s more work than just doing it yourself
    • AI will produce code that looks right. Since it can’t understand anything that’s all it does, next most likely token == most correct-looking solution. But when the obvious solution is not the right one, you now have deceptively incorrect code, specifically and solely designed to look correct.

    I’ve never used Copilot myself but pair programmed with someone who used it, and it seemed like he spent more time messing with the output than it would have taken to write it himself.

  • yeah I think housing first usually. car as housing was a reasonable idea, I’m not gonna knock the plan too much, but clearly it didn’t work. IMO it is actually kind of hard to buy a cheap car that works on a tight timeline. Especially because budget wasn’t $4k, it was like $2k. Needed to be enough left over to pay for gas/insurance/repairs/parking tickets until she was able to get a paycheck. Takes a lot of time on the internet, multiple meetups, negotiation, possibility of getting robbed, etc. I think calendar time 2 weeks last time I bought a shitbox, and the clock is ticking at $90+ a day if you’re in an SRO hotel or something.

    I have no experience with halfway houses and stuff, every institution that theoretically gives people free housing that I’ve interacted with here has been pretty bad unfortunately

  • how any lump sum payment could uplift somebody out of homelessness.

    it can certainly happen but the stars have to align on a very single clear cause. I helped a migrant family like a month ago who got pulled over with a gun in the car, which made the county impound it until they could pay $2k to get it back. Doordash was their only source of income so they couldn’t pay rent and no longer could sleep in their car either. Local jail support org was able to get them a couple days of hotel while we tried and failed to get their car back with bribes, and ultimately I and some other contributors were able to give them like $600 for their first month’s rent in another state. At that point they almost immediately found two under-the-table jobs and became self-sustaining. They’re probably still precarious but at least they’re housed now. Really nice folks with a cute toddler.

    But the thing is they had good connections in the immigrant community which allowed them to get an apartment without proof of income, and to quickly get those jobs. Two adults getting min wage can make rent so they literally just needed the starting capital. It’s harder for a person on their own because the kinds of job you can get at a moment’s notice generally don’t pay enough to live without a roommate. Idk I think that all we can say is that allthetimesivedied needed something other than $4k - maybe just more capital, maybe a different kind of thing.