Yes, we have freedom of opinion but you have to keep your mouth shut 🤐
I do agree with that, there need to be competition again to have some better results.
In Super Comics you have cca 12 separate stories. This is only the first one the from cover.
Sadly no, as others use the messenger as only communication channel 😭
It’s going well, what about you? :)
Guys, very seriously after the whole covid scam, do you still believe in this kind of stuff? The covid was biggest wealth-transfer to rich class in whole history.
I think they are improving, give it some time, and you will see the positive changes by your self
We do
This is mostly specifically about Facebook (Instagram) and the friends circle. People you used to know in person but they don’t interact any more.
He is right about that, you just censored the people who pointed out the problems.
We have to be flexible and expand horizons, that’s our duty to the world!
You can do, whatever you want. It’s your choice. I am just sharing news 😅
Big Fan! 😏
Well, you can also read the comprehensive analysis of the text here: “Australian Medical Doctor Bombshell”.
That’s true, but still the song is pretty catchy and very popular 😏
That’s strange, as I made mistake - in the article is written that she was “medical doctor” not a nurse.
He is right on this 🤔