• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • This is a great question to ask in a .ml community as I think they will be able to contextualize this a bit better for you, and I would be interested in what they say too. Cause I agree, I think identity politics (which I think is what you’re getting at here) is used especially by the ruling class as a way to look nominally progressive (or anti-progressive) and make people feel like they have a real choice in politics, but is ultimately damaging both to its own goals and to the overall political consciousness, in the ways you noted, by divorcing them from the material realities that create and perpetuate these divisions for all people in society. I think that in either direction, they are pushed as a means to distract from the root causes of those issues (which is all the better for a ruling class that benefits from this social order), which if addressed would be a much more equitable way of dealing with them and far more difficult for criticism to take hold.

    I think people would see that we have far more in common than not if we weren’t constantly pitted against each other to compete for resources that are only made scarce for the sake of profit and austerity.

    CRT though, in actuality, is precisely what you are talking about. It is a school of thought that analyzes racial inequalities in the context of history and critiqueing the ways that they are perpetuated in our society. It became a buzzword because conservative media made it into one totally divorced from its original context.

  • Jesus christ, I wish I had access to the military grade copium you are on right now.

    Hey idk, maybe if half the energy that was spent blaming and shaming voters; into using their only legal collective bargaining power to endorse a party that they don’t actually want, that doesn’t even pretend to work in their interest or that of broader humanity, that is currently voting away your rights right alongside republicans, and fucking lost the election anyways; was instead spent on building up an actually functioning independent left wing party, movement, or undercurrent; on building up independent aid networks and leftist coalitions; the situation would be different.

    Maybe if instead of running defense for genocide and complicity, we showed the people that alternative forms of engagement that are actually rewarding, do exist, and build up enough power to stand up for ourselves and show the left wing of the capitalist class that actual action is necessary if they want to keep up their charade; or to take their place when the people see the charade for what it is; we would have won some concessions and actually improved people’s lives instead of the best we can collectively hope for being that they don’t get worse.

    You are correct. We are not out numbered, we are out organized. Spending your time pushing anti democratic propaganda in promotion of the Democratic party is not going to magically organize the working class or make the Democrats less right wing.

    No, but be my guest, go and work with the Democrats and see where that gets you. You’re definitely the first leftist ever in history to have thought of using the supposed left wing party as an actual left wing party and definitely aren’t going to be spit out and blacklisted by the party, which is completely captured by the capitalist class, as soon as it tastes any hint of legitimate anti-establishment or anti-capitalist sentiment. The powers that be just have zero mechanism of maintaining their dominance over the ruling class, and this is really how the Democratic party just organically formed on its own with zero influence by capital. It’s just human nature that the people in power in a democracy where anyone, including leftists, can supposedly wield power, would just stop using that power to materially improve people’s lives even in order to get elected! I’ve never spoken to actual leftists organizers who have successfully accomplished anything or read a fucking book written by one in my life, and I can’t possibly see what could go wrong, because my political engagement begins and ends at the ballot box and complaining about how other people use their democratic rights on online forums. /s

    If the democrats want to shoot their own party in the foot by all but abandoning populist rhetoric, fucking let them. Use the opportunity of the biggest threat to leftist organization and revolutionary optimism, finally stumbling over their own incompetence and contradictory interests, to build up and defend a party that will actually stand for your rights.

  • You don’t even want them!!! You’re using an idealized version of them, that does not exist to convince me that anything else is “enabling fascism”. They’re capitalists!! They don’t give a fuck about you if you do not serve their bottom line. Your unconditional vote only serves to legitimize them and prevent any other parties from gaining legitimacy, you cannot singlehandedly win them the election if they are not doing the work to earn the people’s vote!!!

    You have the privilege of not recognizing that. You belong to a class that still serves their capital interests of nominally appearing progressive but acting fucking incompetent and feckless when they are in a position to do anything to materially improve the lives of the vast majority of americans, somehow convincing the public that our “democracy” is anything other than a sham. You have the privilege of the identity politics, that they drive between us like a wedge and only pretend to care about, that they actively damage by divorcing them from their real material basis, that distract from very real issues which the establishment parties don’t even bother pretending to give you a choice on anymore, being your single fucking issue.

    The Democrats will not be pushed left, they fucking despise the left and take every opportunity they get to destroy and delegitimize leftist movements. Look at any of their actions this election!! Actually listen to them when they talk!! When the Republicans attack them for being too left, for defending trans people, for defending immigrants, look at how they crumble and fall back instead of defending their positions. Look at how they let the Republicans look like anti-war candidates. It would be so easy to disprove any republican talking point, if the Democrats actually believed in anything other than putting on a show for their donors. They let the Republicans define what the acceptable positions are, and you let them get away with it because of imaginary “moderate” voters that this election should have proved do not exist without a single person defending left wing positions nationally and driving the less engaged voters away from the right.

    Who is defending the homeless, the imprisoned, the food insecure, the migrants, the minimum wage workers, the invisible victims of natural disasters, the people at the fucking mercy of the healthcare industry??? Our planet!!! Not to mention the people our tax dollars are murdering on the other side of the planet!! I could go on!!! You let your party turn their backs on them for fucking identity politics, because you are privileged enough to avoid coming to terms with the fact we’ve already lost any sense of electoral democracy on the issues that actually stand to improve the human condition!!! You only care about what personally affects and is visible to you.

    The Democrats are not a tool for the left, they are not a weapon against the right, they are the left wing of the very capitalist establishment that got us here in the first place and they are nothing but an obstacle to clear on the way to forming a legitimate populist left wing movement in this country.

  • meowMix2525toMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldQuick thinking
    9 days ago

    I’ve had them tagged as a liberal propagandist for weeks now since they seem weirdly committed to filling that role, having consistently bad takes, and being hostile towards anyone that challenges them. Good to know I’m not the only one who’s noticed.

  • meowMix2525toMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldQuick thinking
    9 days ago

    democrats fight hard to keep the status quo to get money from their donors.

    I’m not kidding, everything about the Democrats starts making sense when you look at them through this lens, right down to their praising Nancy Pelosi for her fundraising ability. They don’t care about votes as long as they get their money.

    Fighting for the people means they lose the capitalists that want to make profit from those people without intervention, so they won’t do it except to the extent that it keeps up the appearance of being a viable party. Anything else would be bad for business.

    They can’t be anti-war and anti-genocide because they won’t get money from weapons manufacturers and other war profiteers.

    They can’t be anti-oil or anti-coal because they won’t get money from the wealthiest profiteers of the energy sector.

    They can’t fight for public transport because they would lose the automotive industry.

    They can’t go after landlords and their vacant homes (instead choosing to address the housing crisis through exclusionary benefits and deregulation) because they will lose the real estate moguls.

    They can’t fight for universal healthcare because they will lose the insurance and healthcare executives.

    They can’t allow third parties to be viable because it would encroach on their fundraising.

    And they absolutely cannot name the economic recession for what it is or challenge republicans by giving real reasons for it because they would have to attack their donors to do so.

    The only moment any of this changes is when their gaslighting ceases to work on the voters, and they make concessions in order to remain relevant. But they will always return to form as soon as the voters divert their attention, which makes the Republican spectacle actually really convenient for them. So it also makes a lot of sense why the Democrats would have propped up Trump for the 2016 election, and then re-hired the same campaign managers that lost that election for the 2024 election.

    All this to say; the Democrats are not the answer. Do not fall for their rhetoric.

  • meowMix2525toMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldQuick thinking
    10 days ago

    Of course they started with 6 bullets but the liberal and the fascist liked to pass the gun around and take pot shots at the marxist every so often so the marxist couldn’t ever influence or overpower them. This is just the moment the liberal realized there were only two bullets left.

  • meowMix2525toMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldQuick thinking
    10 days ago

    This person is ideologically opposed to doing even the most cursory research on marxism and dialectical materialism but thinks they have authority to speak on it, throughout this thread.

    No wonder they think half of lemmy is “overrun with CCP trolls and bots”, they are completely uncurious and, in fact, hostile when it comes to information that contradicts their worldview.

    It’s especially funny of them to throw around the word “propagandist” like that’s not precisely what they are doing.