• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Not only am I able to get my medication at all because of Democrats, I get it for free because of Democrats. If Trump were in office? I’m not even sure if federal regulations would allow me to even access estrogen or hormone blockers at all. Even if my own state ignored federal legislation (which I would frankly expect in that situation), I also have to worry about wherever it is that my medication is produced and the pharmaceutical companies that I get it from still being willing to provide it.

    I have never once heard a Republican talking about substantially raising the minimum wage. Meanwhile Bernie Sanders literally ran in a Democratic primary with the campaign promise of a $15/hr federal minimum wage.

    Do you think we’re going to get an increase in the federal minimum wage if Trump gets in? It seems more likely to me that he might just straight up eliminate it.

    Democrats got us loan forgiveness. Democrats got us ACA. Democrats got us subsidized cell phones. Democrats offer real solutions to homelessness, like, you know, fucking homes, instead of proposing to burn tent cities and make everything harder for the homeless.

    Are the Democrats perfect? No. Not remotely. There’s a ton of problems with the party’s establishment, mostly that they hug the center and are, as you say, still susceptible to corporate influence.

    But when you consider the alternative? Are you kidding me?

    It’s like saying that there isn’t enough water to put out all the fire around us when we’re considering whether to pour some on a blanket and shield ourselves with it. Meanwhile there’s a cheetoh in a diaper with a fucking gas can that’s about to douse the blanket if we let him.

    Don’t let him.

  • What does that even mean?

    Neither of these choices are going to do anything meaningful? Harris is going to protect my access to my medications, she’s going to protect the environment, she’s going to protect our ability to actually elect another president after her! Because those are all things Trump is threatening!

    You think when corporations are even less regulated they’re not going to be squeezing you from both ends?

    I really, really do not understand this thinking.