Every Italian family will have a photo of Tommy DeVito next to their photo of JFK by the end of the season
Clicked on this as a pfSense CE user and, gotta be honest, this post is more of a bait and switch than what Netgate did. This is absolutely a scummy practice, don’t get me wrong, but putting up a thread about a company “messing with their userbase” sends up a lot more red flags than “they took away one free offering”. This doesn’t impact CE users, so your very loud rallying cry of “Are you willing to pay $400/year for your firewall software when youre only using it privately in your small homelab” is pretty overblown if you’re acknowledging the target audience of this sub is largely people who can get away fine with CE
And what about Jellyfin’s demise are you on about? I don’t see any recent posts in here about anything going on with JF
This VR ad shows someone trying to play piano for the first time and chooses the song Take 5? In 5/4 time as your first song ever?