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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 22nd, 2023

  • This is not true. Soldiers not following orders and refusing to fight is very effective for stopping a war. This is how protests work - power to the people. It is people like you that are brainwashed to push the narrative that there is only winning or losing. Do you really think the investors in the military industry expect Ukraine to win? Or even care if they do? They get a nice ROI for every war - won or lost. You are their tool! If you really care about the war and are a real warrior (as opposed to a soldier - a functionary) you would be at the frontline throwing yourself into the fire and not on the web circlejerking around the death of others.

  • Do you think Russian POW are having a good time in Ukrainian prisons? Just like the Iraqi POW in the US prisons were treated with respect? Give me a break. Fighting fire with fire never works (at least not without destroying everything). All this leads to is a new desillusioned generation with no perspective that is prone to gobble up the next dictators promises. Negotiations are the best we can do (ofc with compromises) and post WWII Europe is a good example. The EU is a great achievment in this regard as it enabled peaceful collaboration (although far from ideal and not aligned with my personal views).

  • Destabilizing Putin will only fuel the ultranationalist takeover. You are delusional if you think this will end the war - it will make everything worse. You talk about genocide with no clue what it means. It is incredible how brainwashed you are by this kind of morbid propaganda. You are the victim of western war profiteering. You should know that the people you are against will reurgitate the same talking points (just replace Russsia with Ukraine). Fact is: you are “happy to see causalities”. This is a very sadistic attitude!