Not really you can just download the osm world file and start your own instance.
Yes I totally agree, to get him in would be nice!
Now he’s in half hahaha. Most of the time pictures with a person are more interesting than only an object.
Nice subject!
The framing could be improved: its a bit messy. The conductor and the police car take my eye away from the subject.
Living on the edge haha
You can’t save everybody. It’s already very nice you helped them out earlier
Yes, it’s fantastic!
China, Russia? The former Yugaslavia? Quite recently Albania. Maybe the people who day capitalism is the root go all evil should visit some museums there.
If you replace capitalism in that sentence with another ism you still have the same results.
Ohhh the calathea. It’s horrible. We had a few of them and it was never “ good enough “ for them. When I gave up they came back to life. And a few days ago while travelling I saw them at a campsite alive and well just outside. I really like the plant how it looks but its a horrible diva to deal with. Reminds me of this reddit post:
Jezus what a douche canoe
Firewatch, not really sure if it’s on Linux but i played at osx so at least multi playform.
The game is mostly about the story, really something else.
Thats a nice article thanks. But it does not answer my question.
Sure heating stuff in plastic doesn’t sounds good but storing in plastic… I can hardly imagine the plastic to just dissolve into to the food. Especially if the food is solid.
Still interested if somebody has a solid source for this.
Definitely sounds like ai yeah
Do you have a source for this? Can hardly imagine putting leftovers in a tupperware style container will get microplastics in the food. Unless your scraping it like a wildman with utensils.
Oh man you’ve got me cracking up here. That spoon full of cum hahaha. People a bit further are looking very strange at me now
Hahaha i hope so yeah, Tony
Yes please!
Beautiful photo!