Well, if you wanted to call him, his Washington office’s number is (202) 225-4155 and his Omaha office is (402) 938-0300. Sometimes, representatives home addresses are just public information. In my state, Congressmen and Senators residences’ are published on the ballot. That doesn’t seem to be the case in Nebraska, but it appears he lives in Papillion, and at least one source claims that this is his house. No address, but I’m sure a dedicated sleuth could figure out the exact address and organize a safe, legal protest at his house.
Reminder that Bannon is an ethno-fascist who’s just pissy that he’s been sidelined for techno-fascists. If his goals align with anti-fascists for the moment, great, but don’t for a second think that he is any less vile or dangerous than Trump, Musk, or any of the other chittering goobers that are gnawing away at our democracy right now.