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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: November 12th, 2023



    when i read the title i thought he said something identical or very similar to something Hitler said maybe without knowing… all fascism leads to the same destination after all, you don’t need to be deliberate about it. (remember how people said TFG was quoting hitler and he said, and i paraphrase, “i didn’t know he said it i just came up with the same conclusion on my own” as if that doesn’t make it worse… kinda like that)

    but NO! he literally quotes Hitler by attributing the quote to Hitler without a modicum of irony. dude the israeli government has gone do far deep into fascism that they can’t even use the thinnest veils as cover.

  • clearly op doesn’t think this behavior is right, as they’ve used it as an example of “the worst monster of all”, but the confusing part is why and if anyone would ever even do this. it would have worked better if the person picked one way or another; at least it would have been a statement on op’s part.

    fyi the right way is to put it over, unless you have a cat, then you’re allowed to put it under without penalty or shame.

  • the dwarf is the blacksmith. some fantasy worlds say dwarves have beards on men and women. here the hyena sees the dwarven woman not having a beard and says funny how false rumors spread. and she says it’s not false; we just don’t have it on our faces. it’s lower, meaning it refers to their pubic hair.