• 351 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 22nd, 2023


  • I see. You’d prefer a different kind of idiot, an idiot that would make gun ownership look good.

    you undermine every attempt to actually maintain the right to defense via firearms.

    From the linked article…

    a machine gun capable of firing 400-800 rounds per minute, a level of firepower that quite simply overwhelms law enforcement.

    …just in case your family is being attacked by, say, King Edward I of England or the FBI. We are talking about an assault weapon, not a Winchester 1897, perfectly adequate for your maintaining the right to defense via firearms. That is, if you must.

    See, I know guns aren’t fetish items. You know they’re not a fetish item. Everybody knows guns aren’t fetish items. Every gun owner claims that they know…while slowly and methodically polishing up and down that long, metal barrel with mineral oil, lost in private thought…proudly displayed in oak credenzas or hung along the wall like so many stuffed bass or marlins. Maybe even modestly stored in a softcase just under the bed. I’d bet Anthony McRae knew, too.

    And this charming fellow in Indiana just yesterday knew that guns aren’t fetish items.

    Also just yesterday in Arkansas, this gun enthusiast and his “right to defense” knew that guns aren’t fetish items.

    And this firearms advocate celebrating Juneteenth over in Round Rock, Texas. They knew.

    And this rifle aficionado in Cincinnati, Ohio.

    And this most certainly responsible firearm owner in Lathrup Village, MI, just hours after Michael William Nash’s demonstration of his 2nd Amendment rights in Rochester Hills.

    This is no longer a question of the right to defend, or own firearms, or a “well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State”. Rationalize and polemicize all you want. This is a sickness. Recognizing and admitting the problem is always the first step in resolving.

    We are in agreement on one thing: instead of actively trying to resolve this tragic problem, Rep. Brian BeGole et al are merely clowns.

    r2 FunFact™: know how many total shootings in 2023 (and 2022) there were just across the Detroit River over in Windsor, Ontario? 11, with zero fatalities in 2023.

  • If you can’t take an insult you have no business being in politics, which is just a formalized method for handling conflict.

    …I think we can all agree on this.

    MTG made it personal because she’s an asshole

    …and here’s where you throw your whole argument out the window. Pushback (and language) of this nature has no place in civil discourse, much less justification of such. We, and they, are not friends at the bar. We, and they, are in a public arena where, like it or not, we are held to certain social customs and rules. Rep Greene was clearly out of line with such a playground ad hominem attack on Rep Crockett. But instead of “taking the high road” or having Greene officially reprimanded for her childish behaviour most unbecoming of a public official—at least Rep Ocasio-Cortez correctly addressed the attack initially—both Reps Cortez and Crockett returned the volley with Ms Crockett improvising that scene from Do The Right Thing. Would you applaud that kind of escalation from your children?

    “Pearl clutching,” my ass.

  • I did like the downtown revitalization that was happening during his tenure.

    Like what, exactly? What did “one of the worst mayors in America” do for the City of Detroit during his tenure? Y’know, besides bankrupt it even further and use it as his personal Al Capone Junior Playhouse®…?

    I haven’t been to the city in almost 17 years but I’d be interested to see how it’s held up.

    I forget sometimes that participants of this community are not necessarily from the city nor metroDetroit™. I have to ask: where are you residing that you haven’t visited Detroit 2.0 since the end of Kilpatrick’s reign of terror time in office?

    P.S.: I 💘 your username!