Nurse Chapel = Number One = ship’s computer = Lwaxana = Gene’s wife = Majel Barrett = First Lady of Star Trek
Nurse Chapel = Number One = ship’s computer = Lwaxana = Gene’s wife = Majel Barrett = First Lady of Star Trek
Does this meme format / cat have a name? I was trying to find the raw version the other day and could not.
You say the whole world’s ending, honey, it already did
Everything I’m finding on Google is saying Morocco, with scientists suggesting we probably evolved all over Africa.
A brain covered in knives does kinda seem like a sleeper S tier build
Came here for this
Sand leads to Fear (of no padme), fear leads to anger (losing padme), anger leads to hate (the high ground), hate leads to suffering (lava)
Burn the land, boil the sea, you can’t take the sky from me.
I miss 20 episode seasons but I understand why that’s not super feasible and was unhealthy for actors. You just get so much more time to get to know the characters.
VOY and ENT are good
If it doesn’t have 20+ episode seasons it’s nutrek
This actually makes a lot of sense, I wonder if it works
Is it? What’s the reward? More recognition? More seeders?
Thanks for the info! In all likelihood will never pursue this but always happy to learn more about how things work.
Interesting, I wonder why that is. I guess to stay one step ahead of the corporations trying to prevent them from succeeding? I can’t imagine it’s to prevent others from following suit. Feels like that would be a weird motivation for people saving and disseminating content.
Very informative, thanks!
This is a cool one I had no idea