39 checking in. in 2010 I was super broke, and when they shut my power off, my landlord said he wasn’t gonna renew the lease next month. that meant I had no food, no lights, and 30 days to come up with 90 days’ rent (first, last and security at a new place). I was lucky that I had someone to let me crash and start rebuilding my life, but I also promised myself I’d never for the rest of my life let my survival be dictated by luck and someone else’s kindness.
there’s a difference between being willing to take an arrest and getting arrested for something stupid. that’s like saying that the point of an army is being willing to die for your country, so the best and bravest are the ones who enlist and then immediately commit suicide. be willing to take a hit, but be strategic about the hits you take and avoid taking a hit for no good reason. it’s about getting the thing done, not proving that you’re super legit.