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Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • Well, the national day of Romania is about the unification of all three romanian inhabitated regions, Transylvania, Vallachia and Moldavia in Greather Romania.

    Usually the day starts with a millitary parade, and people gather arround in Alba Iulia (the unification town) or Bucharest (the capital) to watch the parade and gather togeder to celebrate the national unification day. After that you could think of some sort of thematical unification park, like the Christmas parks around the world, where people strawl arround, enjoy the specific cuisine and celebrate the romanian culture, with songs, various reenactions, and some concerts.

    LE: also the day is a national celebration day, where most of the people have a day off to rest and to be around their families.

  • Din pacate in cazuri de genul acesta este foarte greu sa stabilesti la ce te poti astepta din partea rusilor.

    Mai ales dupa ce au demonstrat in nenumarate ori ca ei de fapt sunt mai prostalai decat se astepta oricine pana in momentul respectiv (ex. Cernobyl, distrugerea barajului din primavara aceasta, faptul ca strangeau trupe pt “exercitii” si strigau in gura mare ca toata lumea exagereaza si de fapt ei nu ataca Ucraina, etc.)