• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • skye@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneBiology rule
    10 days ago


    This would only hold up if the person is using male/female and not man/female

    And assuming this still holds up, why not go with male/woman? The type of people to use this shouldn’t be bothered, i mean thry throw the term “alpha male” all the time

    Oh wait, i think the solution is to just use man/woman unless you’re in a very biological discussion

  • Why are you so pressed? What part of what I said is somehow in support of Russia?

    Do you then not think that U.S. using Agent Orange wouldnt count as a war crime? or any flamethrower use in WW1? or White Phosphorus?

    What would using a banned weapon during war be called if not a war crime?

    Clearly these weapons are banned because they are overly cruel, meaning it gets the job too well done.

    Last time I checked if someone used banned substances that counts as a crime. And if someone were to break the same rules for war, it would qualify as a crime during wartime (war crime for short).

    But no you just think that every hint of criticism against anyone good means that you’re against that fully? Have you heard of the word ‘nuance’ before?

  • One simple google of the definition shows it includes all humans. The archaic (‘old meaning’, if you don’t know) meaning did refer to only men, but that’s nor the case anymore.

    It’s not the case anymore because through time and usage lsnguage evolved ( Like you said! ) and it evolved to encompass all humans! Crazy how language does that.

    However, for you to selfishly tout about all of this in a post Xompletely unrelated to any of this, and for you to call me an idiot and/or mysoginist because i simply didn’t agree with you on this, shoecases just how bad faith you were in the first place.

    Oh and what’s this? No one giving this much a fuck about this? https://old.reddit.com/r/AskWomen/comments/1wdzcq/how_do_you_feel_about_the_word_mankind_or_the_use/

    Clearly you want to be feminist and do something and that’s great! Please tackle some actual problems instead of getting fired up over a word that has nothing to do with anything, hasn’t bothered anyone, and shouldn’t have been an issue to discuss about in a post on disrespecting Holocaust victims.

    Have a good day, and I hope you learn from your mistakes and develop some “Think twice before posting”

  • I think itçs very important to bring up how we currently think and perceive words, after you said language shapes how we think.

    The word “mankind” isn’t male-centric because no one perceives it that way. It cannot possibly be “male-centric” when it was never meant that way and when no one perceives it that way.

    However, I’d like to argue that by making this new “Humankind” distinction, you’re adding the male-centric view to the term “Mankind”, when there wasn’t one associated to it in the first place.

    I cannot be more clear than this, and I think you are the one arguing in bad faith here perhaps

    1. “Man” in certain contexts is shorthand for “Human” or “Humankind”. Imagine how tedious it would be to write a sentence where everytime you wanted to use this shorthand, you’d instead “Men, Women and Children”.
    2. OP even said “Men, women and children died because of who they were”, so your point of “referring to the dead collectively as men” makes no sense.
    3. 99.9% of people reading OP’s comment wouldn’t have even begun thinking about this.

    Overall, I think it’s more insensitive to read a comment like OP’s, and instead of taking the right point home and moving along, you decide to nitpick in an attempt at some sort of “Gotcha”, which couldn’t have been done more wrongly and with such confidence (or arrogance?)