soiejo [he/him,any]

  • 5 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020

  • This has become a Problem of Evil for libs. How do you believe that 1) Trump is a fundamental threat to US democracy, 2)Biden is capable of defending US democracy so you should vote for him and 3) The SC decided to make any official act of the president legal and not come to the conclusion that Biden should do a very funny thing?

  • I don’t like building a full building inch by inch

    You will be kinda disapointed by that then.

    I don’t like having to worry about eating too

    There’s an option for lowering hunger rates (not sure if you can completely disable it) but you can automate food production very early on, and after you do food becomes a formality pretty much.

    I don’t like rust’s empty world, devoid of NPC’s short of playing it coop with a lib

    Palword’s Islands have settlements, camps and towns with npcs, so it’s much less empty than rust

    I don’t like literally every tiny thing having to be crafted, especially with it having its own little crafting subsystems like…

    This will be a big dissapointment then, bc it is exactly lije you described. Again, the fact that you can use the pals to automate the crafts is a big upside, but you will have to do a LOT of crafting, and some of ot will be manual.

    On a final point, the game is very customizable. You can increase/decrease hunger rates, drop rates, exp rates, how much time it takes to craft and build and many other things. If you dislike a certain aspect of the game you can absolutely make it negligible with the configs.

  • I am biased bc monster catchers and survival games are my favorite genres, but it feels like the dev team was split in half on wether they wanted to make an actually decent monster catcher or just fill it with edgy jokes. The base building and automation mechanics are really fun, but I wouldn’t blame someone for being put off by the ““humor””

  • When grinding, I like to use a pretty good deck I found online. It’s a red aggro/burn that has 0 rare cards, so it’s cheap to build, pretty consistent and can definetly wim games. It’s not the type of deck I usually enjoy playing, but it can be pretty fun and useful.

    But yeah, I also get kinda nervous when thinking of new decks to brew, every choice feels like I’m wasting my few WCs lmao

  • CW

    That’s a very good writeup and it does change my mind on some level.

    I agree that saying ginny is “Kuma’s love interest” was a misstep on my original comment, and that their relationship is more nuanced than that.

    On a side note the allusions to rape/SA were already made with the Boa sisters and the introduction of the CDs in sabody park.

    So I don’t remember now since it’s been a long while since I’ve read them, but until now the notion of SA of slaves by the celestial dragons was mostly a “heavy implication” thing - we see them act extremely gross and possessive towards women, and see the trauma inflicted upon their victims. This fits OP’s brand of a manga geared mostly towards children, that ocasionally deals with very dark themes. This chapter however leaves no doubt; Ginny got pregnant while she was enslaved and then she was discarded, and that’s why I believe this chapter is very brutal even among the other chapters showing the violence of slavery.

    For the brutality of the chapter, I think Oda does well in juxtaposing the successes of the now Freedom Fighters to the inner despair of Kuma and co. It’s the acknowledgement that revolution is brutal and that behind the triumph is real people who’ve lost nearly everything.

    That’s a good way to put it. All in all, I’m loving how this arc is giving a lot of exposition to the Revolutionary Army in general and Kuma in specific