Anyone tried it?
Anyone tried it?
With the sheer size of the military, the people at the top eventually become senior executives types, more in charge of portfolios than soldiers per se.
So a soldier that high might be in charge of procurement of equipment for a whole country or region, or a couple of them could be in charge of the largest military units designed to fight.
2ID, the military unit covering all of South Korea and expected to fight if conflict with North Korea arose, has a two star boss and three one stars under him.
Brigadier general is a one star.
I wonder how long you could stand next to it before you got a sunburn.
That reminds me I need to donate to them.
Congrats buddy. Right on.
Sorry to hear your interview bombed. That sucks, buddy. It happens to all of us at some point.
At a career fair at college a long long time ago, I was recruited by the local government for what was described as a networking job “plus some other stuff” related to networking. I hated coding but loved networking work so I agreed to apply. There were some basic screening questions that were low level, easy stuff. I got an interview.
The interview was conducted by two electricians and a project manager. None of them knew what the fuck they were talking about. I’ll never forget one of the questions was whether a device can be on multiple networks. I said sure, just dual home it. They told me I was wrong, a device cannot be on two networks. I was dumbfounded. They were dead wrong. It was clear really fast that these were electricians pretending to be IT guys, not IT guys working in an electrical field.
For the coding portion of the interview, they put me in front of a software I’d never heard of before and told me to code some shit then left the room. It was all in ladder logic. I had no idea what the fuck that was. I jumped into the programs FAQ and realized you could write in JavaScript, so that’s what I did. The autocomplete really helped. I did that and walked out with a program that worked well enough. They told me they didn’t know what I had done but it was wrong. None of them could read or write real code. I had seen in the documentation that you could output the code in ladder, so with them standing there I converted it and then showed them the ladder logic. They looked at me like I was a fucking alien.
They thanked me for my time. I knew I wasn’t getting the job and was thanking my lucky stars because the people running the place didn’t have a fully functioning brain between the three of them.
Anyway, my internship gig at another place fell thru soon after due to money troubles. I had put all my eggs in that basket and was well and truly fucked. A couple months later I got a call from the city offering me the job. I asked later why they hired me and they said I was the only one that could output any code at all during the interview process. They thought I was an idiot. I thought they were too, but I took the job cause I had to.
Maybe the worst job I ever had. I was right. They were idiots.
And that’s how I became a PLC programmer.
Could have been worse than it was. Isak had a helluva game.
I’m deep into Sonos gear and I can’t imagine giving them another dollar until they unfuck their shit. My wife wants to sell it all.
Man they fucked up.
Looks great.
Where da fried shallots at
edit: no seriously why aren’t the shallots fried
It always hurts me a little bit to see people putting so much time and energy into being this absurd. It feels like a depressing indictment of, well, everything.
It looks great but man I hate subscriptions and $80 for a lifetime license is absurd.
Wonderful post. Thanks for taking the time to write it.
Great comment. Thanks for posting it.
Raspberry Pi
I don’t have time to respond, but exploring the capabilities of any of those things would be a great place to start.
I feel like the Chamber of Commerce is going to cut out the middleman and nominate itself for the position.
Well this is miserable news.
Mad Max was way better than it had any right to be.
An acquaintance helped close a deal for a stadium naming rights. It had been a multi year process, the negotiations were crazy, the company deliberated forever trying to decide if this was the best way to increase brand recognition and man that shits expensive.
So like a shit head that thinks he’s funny I started calling the stadium by its sponsor like 3 sponsors ago when I was around them. You could see the anxiety spike when I did it.
Your comment made me think of that. It’s hilarious. They would have had a fucking breakdown if they had heard someone say that out loud.