Chili powder
ACAB (All Cardassians Are Born-tailors)
Chili powder
Might have to Vance the backseat
It’s every game if you play Fem-Shep
It sounds like OP wants a “mouseless except for gaming” setup, no mention of image or video editing. Sounds like the slippery slope into ergo-mechs tbh
Some people just don’t want to move their hands off the keyboard, it can be an incredibly productive workflow if you’re used to it.
Fly me to the moon
Let me kick it’s fucking ass
Let me show it what I learned in my
Moon jujitsu class
When all this “old” hardware goes on sale, where would one find these deals? I can think of at least three places I might want to have another PC setup.
I do, and have done, exactly this.
Ben Wyatt moment
Certainly not me playing Tropico
Fry’s died of COVID
Earthbenders literally pulling the shit out of you
Yeah, in America, at the end of engineering school, all the students are gathered into the Iron Ring and they fistfight to see who actually gets a degree. Top 30% or so win. That’s why I didn’t go to engineering school, I didn’t have enough time for gainz
And also one of the creators of Lemmy.