Let’s hope they both get the fine and are forced to make the changes afterwards.
They really do deserve it, and the money could be used somewhere else.
Let’s hope they both get the fine and are forced to make the changes afterwards.
They really do deserve it, and the money could be used somewhere else.
Google already got hit a few years back.
Google suffered one of its biggest setbacks on Wednesday when a top European court fined it 4.125 billion euros ($4.13 billion) for using its Android mobile operating system to thwart rivals, offering a precedent for other regulators to ratchet up pressure.
Here’s the actual top 10 over exporting countries of quartz. Not even in the top 5 for the US.
1 China $72,289,000
2 Turkey $68,161,000
3 India $43,827,000
4 Spain $27,107,000
5 Brazil $26,611,000
6 United States $21,351,000
7 Germany $16,791,000
8 Italy $13,219,000
9 Canada $12,225,000
10 Egypt $10,204,000
Gode argumenter, og det lyder til du har sat dig fint ind i sagen. Derfor at det nok også bedre at lytte til dig end mig ift det her.
Enig i den her.
Især også med argumentet, at det her frigiver timer fra ansatte, der kan bruge tiden mere effektivt via bedre værktøjer.
I’ll give some examples of great implementations of socialism that drives welfare in today’s democracies, as I personally believe that socialism can’t exist without democracy, as it’s one of the core values of the concept, that’s it’s controlled by the people.
One of socialisms ultimate goals are also equality, which my examples will show.
These are just the big ones that really helps to make sure that very few people are actually poor and are getting desperate because of it.
Also, it’s always important to say that socialism and capitalism are NOT mutually exclusive. It’s perfectly normal to have all these concepts from socialism in a capitalist country.
I think we can agree that a country with 100% capitalism or socialism is not the best way to go.
Socialism is not a ‘one thing’ . It’s a concept as a whole. You can have good or bad socialism and everything in between.
The world is far more nuanced than that.
literal screams of frustration trying to coordinate mice.
Hold on boys, there’s an actual chance that our generation will be gamer gods for all time to come.
Americans being afraid of socialism is proof that propaganda works. It’s literally for the people.
Well, that’s not true.
We say it because both US parties are very similar, and both of them are very right leaning compared to the rest of the western world.
It also indicates that’s there’s no democracy in the US, because there’s only really one choice.
Even the historical, biggest right wing party in Denmark would not remove any of the things you mentioned, except school lunches.
And I assume that it may also vary from prison to prison, as prisons are privatised in the US?
Jesus, people don’t even get internet access in US prisons?
The EU ripple effect. Good job US, if it actually passes.
They try really hard to not comply for anyone else.
Which means it’s working really well and exactly as EU wanted to.
That’s exactly what I’m saying. I’m not sure about the Galaxy store though, as it’s only available on their own hardware.
That’s because there’s more to the DMA than the 3rd party app stores. It also means that Google/Apple are not allowed to charge their 30% if an app developer uses their own payment platform.
Today a company like Spotify has to pay 30% of its subscription models to Google/Apple, it it’s bought through the app - same with Epic if the launched an app store for its games.
This is very predatory and monopolistic behavior, and that’s why it’s not illegal to do in the EU anymore. And Google opposed this because it was their biggest cash cow on Android.
That’s because there’s more to the DMA than the 3rd party app stores. It also means that Google/Apple are not allowed to charge their 30% if an app developer uses their own payment platform.
Today a company like Spotify has to pay 30% of its subscription models to Google/Apple, it it’s bought through the app - same with Epic if the launched an app store for its games.
This is very predatory and monopolistic behavior, and that’s why it’s not illegal to do in the EU anymore. And Google opposed this because it was their biggest cash cow on Android.
How else would the mega rich be able to buy up the property and rent out the spaces for normal people to finance?