You can spread freedom by taking down factory striders with it. You can also dig up deceased voters in case you suspect them being spies or dissidents.
Sweet Liberty! Please, someone think about the poor defenseless pines shading the Democratic Youth Scouts campground.
I bet if Meridian ate a hellmire type planet, no one would say anything.
You’ve been watching too many episodes of Shadow Raiders.
I’m so casual, I didn’t even notice.
It did feel too good. Like made the other laser weapons look bad.
“Ok, you guys run around the edge of the map and aggro ships. I will stealth to the terminal and hopefully evac the citizens.”
*30 dropships land in the middle*
“OK, plan B. Just push the button and hopefully some make it in.”
I’m glad I was able to experience that before they took it offline.
Just like experiencing a constant stream of bot drops on the Retrieve Essential Personnel objective before it went offline.
It was madness.
Did anyone grab it? That is an amazing value if you are starting fresh.
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
Sweet liberty! They lowered the cooldown on mines. I can finally increase my death by stepping on mine rate.
“… can be easily activated by you or a helpful teammate.”
What do you mean you pressed the big red button and the backpack is humming?
The foul autocratic Illuminate have denied the galaxy’s right to orbit a vessel of freedom and liberty around Meridia.
Super Earth urges all Helldivers to double their efforts in protecting our way of life.
Slow and Poison. I’m a dirty causal, only 110 hours. I prefer a solo experience vs anything multiplayer.
There was so much confusion when I saw the planets pinging.
My warrior is wearing a level 20 rare belt because it has 2 charm slots. Haven’t seen anything better from drops or vendors. I don’t participate in the trade economy.
Not to be confused with Clive Barker’s Undying. 😀
I hope there are countless Hive Lords on those Gloom ravaged worlds.
Amazing soundtrack. Squid music has a sense of dread. Bot music is dripping of oppressive socialism.
We must protect our way of life.